Powers Withen

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When I woke up I was terrified. I didn't know where I was. My face hurt and I had a pounding headache that made my head pulse. I groaned.

"Selene your awake!" I looked over to see Xander kneeling next to the bed holding my hand in both of his. My whole body heated with the touch of his hands. Where did that come from?

Man he looked like hell. His raven black hair was ragged and unkept, he had a slight stubble,which I thought was irresistible,but his eyes had bags and they looked sad. His blue eyes that I couldn't bring myself to stop staring at were staring into mine searching for something.

He was on his knees by now. His presence made me feel at ease.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I was so mean to you and you didn't deserve. I should've been there for you when the fire started, I should've protected the both of us. Maybe then we wouldn't have been kidnapped. Please forgive me. I was angry at the world."

I stood there in shock. I don't know what shocked me the most,the fact that being kidnapped wasn't a dream, or that Xander,the man who tried to kill me was apologiz-pleading really. Hoping for forgiveness

I struggled to get up. My body screamed in pain. I felt a hand on my back and shoulder taking most of weight

"Thank you"

I looked around the room.The first thing I noticed was a tarp of the god Pan playing a pipe against the stone wall. He was using his magic pipes to raise the dead flowers. The sound of birds and the wind was the next thing I noticed.

Two screen doors were open at the back of the room. Probably a balcony or garden.

"Where are we?" I asked Xander.

"The priest told me The Secret Palace Of the God Pan. Apparently he's the god of goats." He said shrugging.

I rolled my eyes. The god of goats? Does he know nothing of the religion he worships?

"No he was not the god of goats you idiot" I info sized the "idiot" part.,"he was the god of sayters and nature."

He didn't look interested in my gift of knowledge.

"Why are we here?"

Then an old,wrinkled lady walked in.

"I have a feeling we're about to find out." His eyes sharpened and watched the old lady's every move ready to pounce if the moment called for.

"Hello. Welcome children." She said with a kind smile. Xander rolled his eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me. You maybe powerful but I'm the boss." Her eyes sharpened and she had a frown that made me sink into my pillow.

She huffed. "You both are probably wondering why you are here. Well. You have a great destiny. You both have powers that need to be controlled."

"Wait! how do you know this. And why is she here?"he said pointing to me.

"Show him,"she said in a bored tone.

I was afraid I couldn't control it but the women mentally pushed me to do it.

I took a deep breath before summoning the tiniest flame.

I looked at Xander. His mouth was wide open in aw.

He gulped and closed his eyes. All of a sudden I saw water float out of hand and into the pitcher next to my bed.

"Good you both controlled it for the first time. That'll save some time.

She changed her attention to Xander

"Xander,you've been up for hours. You need sleep and so does Selene."

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