Chapter 2

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The royal family sat at the dinner table.

Mother was excited about something. She wore a big smile on her face as she dug into her meal. My father sat at the head of the table silent and trying to hide his emotions. Theinid, my older brother, sat at the right side of me, quite, and talking only when asked a question and only answering with a "yes" or a "no", never getting into any details.

That's how every meal was. Mom would do most of the talking. None of us ever listened. When we actually communicated, we are most likely arguing. She talked about all the men wanting my hand in marriage.

Its not that I don't wish to marry, its that, I want to marry someone I love, not just the richest and powerful man on the list.

She read off the list of names.

I have always been told that I was beautiful. That Aphrodite gave me the gift. I never saw it though. Everytime I looked in the mirror I saw flaws.

My mother made no secret of my beauty either.

When I reached the age of twelve, mother always made me go on trips with her. Making sure I was seen and recognized by everyone.

With my supposed beauty and me being the daughter of the governor of Corinth, the richest of all the city states, I was considered a jewel.

Mother cleared her throat. The three of us looked up from our plates.

"Selene your father and I need to tell you something." she said eying my father.

Mother was beautiful. With her small body and her pretty face, you could never think of her as a demanding woman.

Father drained the rest of his wine before he spoke.

"We are going to see the Oracle of Delphi first thing in the morning."

I heard rumors about the Oracle of Delphi. They said she was old and wrinkly. Her eyes were empty and gold. She was chosen by the sun god Apollo to read peoples future. She was never wrong.

What I wondered was "What reason would we be meeting the Oracle of Delphi for?

Mother must have seen the confusion on my face because she answered my question before it came out of my mouth.

"The Oracle will tell which of your many suitors is the right one for you."

I rolled my eyes.

A fist hit the table with a loud crack.

What surprised me the most was that the loud sound came from my quite big brother.

"Will you not respect your daughters own feelings? If you knew who she really was you would realize that this is not what she wants!" he was getting louder with every word. " She's only fifteen!"

"She is almost sixteen! Its not a matter of what she's wants! Its what is important for our state! You are the heir to the throne, you will have to do the same for your daughter!"

Theinid and my father looked at each other with pure anger. They were challenging each other without words.

Out of all the people that lived in our castle, I new I could always rely on my brother. We had always been close. We spent nights staying up talking to each other.

My brother stood up from the table so fast that his chair hit the ground with a thud. He stormed out of the room without saying another word.

The next day we set out on the road to Delphi.

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