The new actress//Tom

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Word count: 1023

I walked out of the small room and sighed heavily. I had just auditioned for the new Spider-Man movie and I didn't think it went very well. I walked down the hall and out of the large building. My mom waited for me excitedly.
"Hey sweets! How'd it go?" She asked, smiling brightly. I sighed.
"Not so well..." I replied and opened the car door and plopping into the seat.
"Aw I'm sorry hon, maybe next time." She said giving me an apologetic smile. We drove home and I went up to my room and flopped on my bed.

Several days went by and I had almost forgotten about the audition and then one afternoon my phone rang. I answered it,
The person on the other side was the audition director. I got the part. I ran into my parents room,
"MOM GUESS WHAT!" I sang happily. Mom walked out of her closet.
"What is it honey??"
Her eyes widened and she smiled,
"That's great!!" She said hugging me tightly.
"Do you know what your schedule is yet??" She asked. I shook my head, "Nope" I said shrugging. My phone started to buzz and I left the room looking down at it. There was a text from an unknown number. It said: Hey, is this the number for Y/N?
I replied back saying: Yes. Who is this?
The number: This is Tom Holland. I was told we would be working together.
Y/N: Oh! Yeah, I can't wait:)
Tom: Me too! Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee tomorrow morning so we can get to know each other
Y/N: Sure! What time?
Tom: How about 9:00?
Y/N: Great! I'll meet you at the Starbucks down town:)
Tom: See you then!

~The next morning~
I woke up at 7:30 and hopped into the shower. I got out and put on some grey jeans, a black v neck t-shirt, a jean jacket, a black choker, and black vans. I put on some makeup and brushed my hair before grabbing my purse and keys. I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my mom before leaving in her car. I drove into the parking lot of the small Starbucks and parked the car. I saw a much nice car roll up beside me. I got out of the car and started to walk towards the front door. Before I could reach the door someone quickly came up behind me and opened it for me, I thanked them and looked up to see who it was. It was a smiling Tom Holland.
"Oh! Hi!" I said smiling back and walking through the door. He follows behind me.
"Hey! It's nice to finally meet you." He said. We stand in line for coffee and chat for a while. We get our coffee and head over to a two person table and sit across from each other. I studied his beautiful face as we spoke about how we had started in the acting business. After over an hour of talking we finally stood up and walked out, walking to our cars side by side.
"So, Tom. Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked blushing a little. He laughed,
"Nope! I'm as single as I'll ever be." He said winking at me and walking to his car.
"I'll see ya." I said smiling to myself in getting into my car.

A couple days went by and the directors sent me some lines and explained that Tom and I were supposed to have some chemistry in the movie. I was pretty excited about that. The first day we started filming went by very slowly, but Tom helped me through it by doing quirky little things in between takes.

"Ok so next week we're gonna work on the kissing scene so I'm gonna need you guys to practice!" The director said demandingly. Tom and I looked at each other and blushed. I walked off set and started to walk towards my trailer but Tom stopped me.
"Hey y/n, do you wanna come to my trailer and practice?" He asked. I turned around to face him.
"Sure." I replied nervously following behind him. We got to his trailer and he invited me in, giving me some water.
"So I was thinking we could go over the script and determine what kind o a kiss it should be, then try it out." He said sitting on the kitchen counter. I nodded in agreement and I started to look over the lines and I figured out it should be a semi long kiss, but I'm supposed to be kind of surprised by it. We talked about and then he jumped off the counter and stood in front of me, we recited our lines back and forth and then it was time for the kiss. He slowly moved towards me and then I gently placed his hand on my waist and kissed me. Out of instinct I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. It felt like the kiss would last forever and then there was a loud knocking on the door and we both jumped. He walked to the door looking a little dazed. It was the directors assistant and she said we had 10 minutes until we had to be back on set. Tom nodded and closed the door walking back over to me. I walked backwards into the wall as he still walked towards me.
"M-maybe we should practice one more time..." I said.
"Yeah," he said before wrapped both his arms around my waist and quickly pulling me into a kiss. There it was again. Fireworks. We stayed there just kissing, moving our heads in sync. When we pulled back we both smiled and blushed.
"We should go out sometime." He said, smirking before walking out the door. I followed close behind him.

A/n: Go check out emskizle_monkey 's imagines because they're awesome! P.s. I might make a second part to this idk yet.

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