Sam as a husband/dad

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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex yattayattayatta

•When you first met each other, Sam was a jazz pianist for a local restaurant
•You were supposed to be on a date, but the asshole stood you up so you just sat at the table and ate alone
•He noticed you sitting alone while he was on break and walked over
• "Is this seat taken?"
•He asked, his British accent catching you off guard
•You looked up at him and gave him a fake smile
• "Nope."
•You expected him to just take the seat for his table, but instead he sat in it right across from you
•You began to talk and y'all got so engulfed into the conversation that you were there until the restaurant closed
•Y'all has exchanged numbers that night and he called you almost every day
•Eventually, you began to date and after 3 years of waiting, he finally proposed (it took so long because he was too nervous)
•When he asked you, the two of you were casually sitting on your couch watching a movie and he just popped the question
• "Hey, uh, Y/n?"
•You looked over at him
• "Do you think-I mean-would you want to-maybe...get married?"
•You just smiled and hugged him
• "Yes. I would."
•Blahblahblah wedding and shit blahblah
•Y'all's honeymoon was in Disney land or some shit like that lmao
•When you finally got used to the married life and all that, you began to try for a baby
•Sam would be watching TV and you'd just come into the living room and say:
• "Hey, babe..."
•And he'd know by the sound of your voice it was time to FUCK
it took a little bit longer than you expected, but after a year, you finally got pregnant
When you told him, you got all your family and friends to gather at your home while he was out and when he came back, you had Dom hold a sign up saying "You're" , Nikki with a sign that said "going ", Tom with a sign that said "to", Harry with a sign that said "be", Paddy with a sign that said "a" and Tessa with a sign that said "DAD"
It took him a second to figure it out, but as soon as he did he looked at you and back at the signs and back at you
• "You're pregnant??"
•You'd nod and he'd just start crying then and there
I STG he'd never leave you alone after that
•always making sure you and the baby are fine before he goes ANYWHERE
When you were about to have the baby he was frantically running around the house looking for everything y'all had packed
• He'd freak out so much that he forgot you inside and ran back in, swiftly picking you up and carrying you to the car
When you finally had the baby he just sat and cried with the baby for an hour
•He was probably more emotional about having a baby than you were
•this bitch is so gd emotional
•After you came home from the hospital he insisted that you go and rest
•When you woke up you found him asleep with the baby in his arms
He'd basically rocked himself to sleep
He was the sweetest and most caring dad ever
• he'd be playing with her/him and you'd just video tape it allllll damn fuckin day
•Every time he/she had a bday, Sat would cry because he didn't want them to grow up
•Tbh you'd probably cry too
•Hell, everyone would cry because y'all just too DAMN cute

A/N: Here's the Sam version of my last chapter;) gonna do a one for Harry and one for Haz too so get READY. Also, it's my bday today and I got a new phone so I'm gonna be writing A TON.-Sadie

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