Goodbye flower...//Peter

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Word count: 1121

(Warning, blood and very depressing material)

(Also, this story may be a little confusing, but basically he keeps having flash backs and the bold print are his thoughts)

I love you Peter
Her words kept playing over and over in my mind as I walked into the dark and melancholy old church. It seemed as if everything had stopped. My happiness, my love for life, everything. There was no point because with out her I had no point. And it was all my damn fault.

~One week earlier~

"Peter!" I heard a sweet familiar voice behind me. I whirled around to see y/n, my beautiful flower, running towards me. I smiled at her and she ran into my arms squeezing me tightly like she always did. I pulled back from the hug, "Guess what!!" She said basically jumping up and down.
"What??" I asked, mocking how excited she was.
"I GET TO GO TO CALIFORNIA WITH MY DAD THIS WEEKEND!" She exclaimed. I smiled, "That's GREAT!" I said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

I should have told her not to. I should have made her stay home. I knew something was going to happen...but I didn't know what.

"Peter, I need you with the team this weekend. We're going to California." Tony said bluntly on the phone. I paced my room, "What's happening down there?" I asked nervously. Tony sighed, "Nothing yet." He said.
"What about Aunt May?" I asked.
"Tell her you're going to a damn sleep away camp for all I care. Just don't leave without telling her." He said sternly and then hung up the phone. I set my cellphone down on the small table beside my bed and pulled off my shirt, laying back on my bed. I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

God dammit Peter! Why didn't you just tell her not to go!

"Peter?" She said putting her pencil down on her pile of books and papers across from mine. I looked up, still in a daze.
"Yes?" I replied groggily. She stared at me with a worried look on her face, "Are you ok?" She touched my hand gently. The feeling of her skin on mine was like a sudden wake up call.

Tell her you idiot!

"Uhhh...yeah I'm fine." I said giving her a fake smile and ignoring everything that told me to tell her what I really felt.

My red clad finger gently tapped the glass of her window. I heard gentle footsteps and the window opened. She invited me in and as soon as she did, I took off my mask and kissed her. She kissed back, twirling her fingers in my curls like she always did when we kissed.

That feeling...oh how I wish none of this had happened...we would still be happy, she'd still be alive...

I watched as Mr. Stark, in all black clothes, sat beside me in the small and uncomfortable church pew. He put his arm around me and gave me a slight hug. I sniffled as I listened to y/n's mother speak about her, almost to the point of a total break down. Then it was my turn. I slowly walked up to the stand placed behind the small casket and started my speech,"You may wonder what I'm doing here...some of you scoffed at me when I walked in here like I was too young to feel this sadness, like I was too young to feel deep emotion. I knew y/n. I loved y/n..." I stopped.

You can't do it Peter. It's all your fault you're here anyways. It's all your fault any of them are here.

I stepped offs of Mr.Stark's personal jet with my bags in hand. I looked around me. California... I breathed in the warm air and walked towards the limo with Happy by my side. I was driven to my destination and dropped off in front of all the Avengers. Some of them groaned, "This kid? Are you kidding me?"
Not acknowledging there disapproval, I did what I was told and followed the rest of the team. We all spread out around Hollywood to keep watch for anything suspicious. I saw a mysterious van pass through the street and down an alley way at a fast pace. I listened to Black Widow and Captain America argue as I jumped from building to building, watching the van. I took my mind off of it for a second to listen to Captain America explain something the all of the sudden there was a massive explosion and a mixture of screams, but one stood out to me.


I swung from the building I was on, to the ground as fast as lightning. I searched through the pile of rubble, helping people out every now and then. I heard a muffled cry in front of me and I grabbed a large piece of stone. She was laying on her back. Her face beaten, bloody, and bruised. Her hands and shirt covered in blood. I rushed down to her and ripped off my mask.
"Y/n! Y/n, speak to me! It's me, Peter!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. She reached her blood stained hand up to my face and stroked my cheek leaving blood on my face, giving me a small smile and said, "I love you Peter." before closing her eyes. I screamed at her to stay awake, my tears blurring my vision. Her hand fell limp and I took it into my hand, laying my head on her, tears flowing out like a waterfall.

You could have saved her, but instead you ignored all of your instincts and now she's gone. Gone forever.

I felt y/n's mother's hand touch my shoulder. I came back to reality as I stood at the stand with a dazed look.
"I think you should just sit down." She whispered. I shook my head, "No. I'm going to finish."
She nodded and walked away.
"Y/n was the love of my life. I told her everything and she told me everything. She wasn't just the love of my life, she was also my best friend. She had such a beautiful way of handling everything. She was my flower. My beautiful, delicate flower." The crowd of black watched me sorrowfully. I walked to the casket and placed my hand on it.
"Goodbye Flower..." I whispered before slowly walking back to my seat.

A/n: I was crying so much while writing this. Y'all don't even know. TBH I don't really think this was one of my best, but enjoy I guess-Sadie<3

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