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(Word count: 1492)

I sat at my small desk in the corner of my room working on a school project. I had a pen in my mouth and my hair was tied up into a messy bun as I scanned over all the papers on it. I sat back to admire my hard work, trying to see if I needed to fix anything. I heard a small squeak of wood above me and I said, "You should really try being quieter."
I heard a thud and and I whirled around in my chair to face the, overly dramatic, Spider-Man that I knew so very well. He leaned his arm up against the wall and asked,
"How do you do that?"
I shrugged and turned back around to continue working on my project. "Well, aren't you gonna say hello?" He asked. I sighed, "I thought I just did."
He walked to my desk and leaned up against it, "Calling me out for being "too loud" is not a greeting." He said curling his fingers in quotation. I shrugged,
"I thought it was suitable."
I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was rolling his eyes under his mask. I pushed away from the desk and stood up, "So, when are you gonna tell me who you are?"
He looked down at his feet, "How about...never."
I frowned, "Sorry buddy boy, that's not gonna work for me."
"Why can't we just be friends, but you don't know who I am? It keeps things a little spicy, a little interesting." He said doing jazz hands to emphasize the "spicy". I groaned and flopped face first on my bed.
"It's almost been a year!"
He shrugged, "I know, but I'm not ready for you to know who I am yet."
I sat up and glared at him, "Well hurry up and be ready!"
He laughed and walked over to the already open window, "Let me promise you something. If I haven't told you in the next 2 months, you can take off my mask. But ONLY if you do it in PRIVATE."
I smiled, "Deal."
He slid out the window and as soon as he came, he was gone.

A couple days have passed since that night and I haven't seen Spidey at all. I hoped he was just taking some time to decide whether he should tell me who he was or not.

I slammed my locker and twisted my fingers around the straps of my backpack as I walked down the crowded hallway. I felt someone gently tap my shoulder and I turned around.
"Hi I'm Ned!" Said the boy who stood in front of me, he gave me a wide smile.
"I'm y/n." I said awkwardly smiling back. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Do you see that guy right there?" He pointed in the direction of the guy. I nodded, "That's my friend Peter and he wants to be your friend." He said smiling, obviously content with himself.
"Ok..." I said raising an eyebrow, I watched Peter give me a small wave.
"Look, I'm flattered and all, but I really have to get to class." I said chewing on my bottom lip. Ned frowned and I sighed,
"Do you have a piece of paper?" I asked him, he nodded and pulled it out. I raised my eyebrows and held out my hand signaling for a pen.
"Oh right." He mumbled and handed me a pen. I quickly scribbled my number down on the paper and shoved it into his hand.
"There. Now I've really got to go." I turned and rushed down the hall.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked into the dark. There was a note from my mom on the counter, explaining where she was. I tossed my backpack on the floor and kicked off my shoes, I let out a sigh of relief as I made my way to my room. I had the whole apartment to myself for a few hours so I decided to have a little fun. I took my laptop out of my backpack and set it on the kitchen counter, turning the volume all the way up. I blasted my lit tunes as I danced around the kitchen eating cereal and singing way off key (on purpose of course). I was too wrapped up into the music to see that Spidey had come in through my window and was sneaking up behind me. He grabbed me by the waist, making me scream and drop my cereal. I whirled around,
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT??" I yelled hitting him across his masked face. He held his face and groaned. I crossed my arms,
"Yeah, that's what you get when you scare me."
He tilted his head and shook it in sarcastic disapproval,
"You're way too easy to scare." He laughed. I frowned and picked up the plastic bowl off of milk and cereal covered floor.
"What are you even doing here?"
I asked, tossing the bowl into the sink. He sat on the counter and shrugged,
"I was bored I guess."
I got a washcloth, running it under the water and starting to mop up the mess that he'd made.
"Hm." I replied as I scrubbed the last bit of milk off the floor. I stood up in front of him,
"So, can I take this off now?" I asked, pulling at the cloth on his neck. He pushed my hand away,
"Not yet."
He wagged his finger at me.
"Maybe you don't want to show me who you really are because you're really not human and you're trying kidnap me, but first you need to get to know me disguised as a spider superhero!" I said rolling my eyes. He chuckled,
"Sorry, I'm just a boring old high schooler."
I tossed the washcloth in the sink and turned back around.
"Oh, I had something actually interesting happen to me today." I said, leaning up against the counter.
"What's that?" He asked tilting his head,
"So, this random guy got his friend to basically ask for my number..." I said.
He cleared his throat,
I nodded,
"It was weird."
He jumped off the counter,
"I better go. I'll see ya later, loser"
I laughed,
He walked back to my room and left, the music still playing in the background.
• • •
I walked out of the school and felt a soft tap on my arm. I turned around to see Peter smiling down at me. I smiled back,
"Hi, can I help you?"
"I just wanted to properly introduce myself. As you probably know, my name is Peter."
He said. I nodded,
"And I'm y/n."
He smiled,
"I know."
I blushed at his smile and bit my lip,
"Would you like to come hang out? I could use a new friend."
He nodded,
"I'd love to."

We got to my apartment which was empty, as usual. He looked around,
"Nice place."
I shrugged,
"It's really not much."
"It's better than my place."
He laughed. I showed him around and we talked a lot until my mom came home and he left. We became closer and closer friends over time and Spider-Man came by less and less.

One night, as I was falling asleep, there was a light tapping at my window. I slid  out of bed and walked over, opening the window. Spidey was sitting there staring up at me. I smiled,
He said as I helped him in. I walked back over to my bed and yawned.
"What're you doing here so late?" I asked. He sat on the floor in front of me.
My eyes widened and I jumped up,
"Can I see who you are now??"
He stood up with me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"Before I do this, you have to promise me that this won't change anything..."
I nodded,
"I promise."
He slowly pulled the tight mask off revealing his brown curly hair, soft brown eyes, killer jawline, and kind smile.
"Peter..." I whispered. He gave me an apologetic smile.
"Well, that explains why you seemed to have already known my favorite color, artist, and shirt." I smirked. He shrugged and smiled.
"Why didn't you just tell me though?" I asked, touching his arm.
"I didn't want to show you who I really was and it be like I was a complete stranger. I figured it'd be a lot to take in."
I nodded in agreement.
"Well, now that I know you're Peter. I can do this."
I grabbed him by his shirt and smashed my lips into his. He put his hands on my waist and moved his face with mine. He pulled back,
"I wasn't expecting THAT."
I laughed and pulled him back into the kiss.

A/N: Ayyyye I finally updated! This one's really long hehe- Sadie<3

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