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"Heyyy Uncle Steeevee?" I sang, walking into the kitchen of my father's large tower. The muscular brunette looked up from his mug of steaming coffee,
"Hey squiggles,"
He smiled.
"Have you seen my dad?" I asked sliding a chair out from the table and plopping myself down across from him. He took another sip of coffee,
"He's picking up Spider-Boy for some training."
I furrowed my brow and mumbled,
"It's Spider-MAN. Get it right, American Flag Guy."
He chuckled, watching my face turn a shade of pink. The soft eyed male, stood up and set his mug in the sink, walking over to me and ruffling my hair.
"I've gotta go, I'll see ya later biscuit."
I gave him a small smile and he walked off.

"Seven, orange. Five, Blue. Eight, brown...three..." The smooth black ink slid across the seemingly flawless paper as I named off numbers and the colors that seemed to fit them, one of the many things I did during one of my anxiety spells.
"Light green?" Peter suggested as he sat beside me. I turned to him and smiled, scribbling it down.
I continued to scribble down the words quickly.
"Hey Y/n, can I ask you something?" Peter said, breaking the silence. I kept my eyes down at the paper and said,
"Yeah, sure."
He cleared his throat,
"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out later today."
I looked at him, my cheeks heating up.
"Uhhh, sure I guess. What time?"
He looked at his hands,
I opened my mouth to answer, but I was interrupted by my very obnoxious father.
"Peter! Meeting. Upstairs. 5 minutes."
Peter sighed and stood up,
"I'll text you I guess..."
I nodded and gave him a small wave as he walked out the door.

I stared at my feet and trailed my fingers along the wall as I walked through the long corridors of Stark Tower, nodding my head to the music flowing through my ears. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I looked up, turning around to face the soft eyes and dorky smile of my favorite person in the world.
"Hey Peter,"
I smiled at his sweet face and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in for a kiss, but I raised my eyebrows and quickly pushed him away.
"Cameras" I whispered, looking down and clearing my throat. He nodded,
A sigh escaped my lips,
"I'm sorry, I really wish we didn't have to hide this from my dad..."
He nodded,
"I understand."
Suddenly, my phone started to ring. The caller ID read "Dad" and I rolled my eyes.
"Hold on."
I said before answering it.
"So, what are you and Spidey-Boy up to? I see that you're in the hallway. Together. With no one else." His voice had a hint of suspicion in it.
"Dad, chill out."
I could almost hear him roll his eyes before he hung up. I turned on my heal and turned my head around to him,
"Meet me at your room." I whispered, giving him a smirk. He smiled and I ran down the hall.

I looked around me, making sure that no one was there before lightly knocking on Peter's bedroom door. It swung open and I walked in as quickly as he shut it.
"We're getting better at this." I said, laughing and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"We definitely are."
He smirked and pressed his lips against mine, pushing me up against the wall. My right hand slipped down to his chest and my left hand lay loosely on his shoulder as we continued to kiss. He placed his hands on my hips slid his tongue across my bottom lip, practically begging for more. The speakers throughout the building started to blast my father's irritating voice and I pushed Peter away from me.
We both groaned.
"I'll see you later." He said, kissing my cheek and starting to walk towards the door. I grabbed his hand,
"Wait, one more kiss."
He smiled and crashed his lips against mine before heading out the door. My eyes gazed upon my sweet little Peter as he ran down the hall, flashing a smile back at me before disappearing into the elevator at the end of the hall.

A/N: This one's super short because I'm running out of ideas hehe I hope y'all like it.

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