I love you//Sam

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(Word count: 1468)

It was a sunny afternoon and I sat out in a field of grass, right across from my best friend, Sam. I pulled pieces of grass out of the ground, twisting them into a knot and throwing them back into the abyss of green grass.

"What're you doing?"

I asked, as he scribbled something down onto a piece of paper.

"Just reminding myself to do something."

He mumbled, shoving the paper into his pocket. I ignored his weird reaction and continued to pull grass out of the ground.

Sam and I had been best friends since birth and I really couldn't ever do ANYTHING without him. We went everywhere with each other, we could finish each others sentences easily, I could walk into his house like it was my own. We were inseparable. Sadly, I was moving  to America soon and I would probably only see him on holidays or if he happened to come along with his brothers for a movie or event. Ever since I told Sam he's been acting super weird and emotional and it made me worry.


I burst through the Holland's front door,


I  ran up to his room and he met me at the door, his eyes wide.


He asked, obviously confused. I shoved a large envelope in his face. It took him a second to read it, but when he did he smiled brightly. It was a letter from Savannah College of Art and Design.


He said jumping up and down in his sock covered feet. I shakily ripped it open and read the content eagerly.

"So? What does it say?"

I looked up at him and screamed,


He scooped me up into a big hug,


He said once he put me down. Harry came stomping up to us, he didn't look too pleased.

"Why are you yelling???"

I showed him the letter excitedly.

"Congratulations. Now can I go back to sleeping in peace??"

I laughed and he walked off, huffing loudly.  I turned back around to the smiling Sam in front of me, pushing past him and flopping on his bed.

"I never thought I'd be moving to America...I also never thought I'd get a scholarship to one of the top art schools in America."

He flopped down beside me and grabbed a piece of paper, scribbling something down.

"Why do you keep writing things down at random times?"

I asked, turning onto my stomach and propping myself up by my elbows. He shrugged,

"I don't know, I just remember random things and scribble them down."

I rolled my eyes,



Knock. Knock. Knock.

I woke up to loud knocking on my bedroom door,


I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. Sam swung the door open,


I shot up out of bed. He stood there with a large smile plastered on his face and a pastry box in his hands. I smiled and stretched my arms out.

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