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(Requested by: Kittymac13 )

Tom and I stepped off of the plane to where it had landed in Thailand. Tom had gotten some time off of filming, so he decided to take us on a little vacation. When he told me about the trip, I was ecstatic. A little nervous because of the previous events that had happened there, such as the tsunami in 2004, but also excited. Hearing anything like that happen, always made me nervous though.

We were taken to our luxury hotel and given our room key. The room had a beautiful view of the ocean, and a pool attached to the porch.

I began to unpack my things, humming to myself as the wind from the open window, blew through the room, sending goosebumps along my skin. I felt a pair of arms circle around my waist and I smiled to myself.

"I can tell this week is already going to be so relaxing."

Tom said, resting his chin on my shoulder. I nodded in agreement as I inhaled the fresh air and leaned back against him.

Nothing could've been better than that; being with him all alone for a full week. It had been so long since we had gotten some time to ourselves. Tom deserved it; I deserved it.

"After we finish unpacking, would you like to go for a swim in our private pool?"

He said, emphasizing the "private" for obvious reasons. Smiling, I turned around to face him,

"That sounds nice,"

He placed a chaste kiss upon my lips and parted from me to finish his unpacking.

We both changed into our bathing suits, retrieving a few beverages from the fridge and walking out to the pool. I could feel Tom's eyes on me the whole time, knowing that my bathing suit was killing him. I dove into the cold, refreshing water, closing my eyes as it seeped through my bathing suit. Surfacing, I watched as Tom waded over to me, a dumb smirk plastered across his face.

"C'mere, darling,"

He mumbled, grasping me by the hips and bringing my body against his. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pecked my lips a few times. I felt his hands travel to my thighs slowly as he mumbled,


I did so, and he quickly pulled my legs around his waist, bringing my lips to his. He slowly pushed me to the wall as we lazily made out, neither of us noticing the wind begin to pick up until we pulled away.

I looked around, frowning as I saw the trees begin to bend from the pressure of the wind.

"Was it this windy when we came out here?"

I asked, letting my legs fall from his waist. He looked around also, squinting as he looked up at the trees.

"I don't think so..."

Suddenly, I felt the ground begin to rumble and the wind begin to pick up. Tom slipped his hand into mine,

"If this is what I think it is...hold onto me tightly."

I brought my other hand to grip his arm,

"What is it, Tom?"

The rumbling was now out of control and I watched as Tom saw where it was coming from. A huge wave of muddy water was coming towards us, knocking down everything around it.


I whispered, my voice tainted with worry. He wrapped his arms around me tightly,

"Take a deep breath. Now!"

I shakily breathed in the air, my heart beating uncontrollably as the wave came closer and closer.

When it hit us, it knocked the remaining breath out of me, Tom and I spiraling under the water as it swept us away from the pool. Something hit my leg, causing a terrible stinging pain to travel through my whole side. I cried out, bubbles forming out of my mouth until I finally surfaced and gasped for air. Somehow I had been ripped from Tom's grasp when the wave hit.

I struggled to stay above water as it rushed violently around me.


I called, pushing my head above water with all of the strength I had left.


I called again, my voice cracking slightly. I kept searching for him and trying to find something to grab onto, eventually finding a pole to grasp. I was extremely weak, but I used all the strength I had left to pull myself up and wrap my arms around the pole. Scraps of wood and metal floated by in the murky water as I frantically looked at my surroundings.

"Tom! Anyone!"

I cried out once more, tears streaming down my dirt and blood covered face.


I heard Tom's muffled voice behind me, whipping my head around to see him struggling through the rippling waters. I began to cry harder, my whole body shaking immensely.

"Stay there, Y/n! I'm coming!"

He swam over, wrapping one arm around the pole and one around my waist, bringing me against his chest.

"I thought I'd lost you forever,"

I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding on tightly.

"Shhhh, I'm here, love. No need to worry."

The sounds of rushing water, creaking buildings, and cries of unknown people filled the air.

"We need to find some sort of shelter or safety because this pole won't hold up forever."

He said as he adjusted his grip around the pole to peer around the area for anything to protect us. He spotted the roof of a house that seemed pretty sturdy by the looks of it, so he carefully lowered us back into the water and swam us over to it, pulling me onto it before he climbed on himself.

"Oh my god, your leg."

He breathed when he finally saw the bloody gash along my thigh.

"I-it's ok, Tom. It's nothing."

He shook his head and pulled my into his lap to examine it further.

"We need to get you to a doctor. It may not be a very bad wound, but it could still get infected by this mucky water."

His voice was shaky, but serious as he held me. I tried to move my leg and the pain struck again, making me cry out.

"I-it's ok darling. I'll get us out of this mess."

He whispered, bringing me closer to his bare chest.

We sat there for hours just waiting for some sort of sign of life. Tom would call out for help every few minutes, but he'd never get a response. The pain was so bad, I almost passed out a few times, but Tom was always keeping me awake and coaxing me through it. Finally, a rescue boat came into Tom's view as it puttered down the brown colored water.


He called, waving his arms in the air. The saw him and immediately came over to us. Tom placed me into the boat and got into it himself before the took us away to the hospital to safety.

A/N: I apologize for the shitty quality of this. I've been really bad at writing lately, but I hope you guys like it-Sadie

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