Peter Parker as your boyfriend

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A/N: Ok so I'm gonna try this shizzle out and see how y'all like it cuz I think it's quite adorable and it's super easy to come up with.

-Let's get this shit on the road my friends
-Ok, Peter as your boyfriend.
-Obviously he's the most adorable and caring boyfriend you'll ever have
-He'll bring you food when you ask for it and even when you don't (because he knows you THAT well)
-He's suuuuper proud of you and he shows you off constantly like, "HEY!EVERYONE LOOK AT MY GIRLFRIEND CUZ SHES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURE IN THE WORLD!"
-He makes sure you don't feel left out when you hang out with him and his friends
-When you guys are studying he makes you take a break occasionally and he'll just kiss and hug you all over like the clingy boi he is
-Speaking of clingy, Peter is HELLA attached to you. If you don't see each other for a while he texts you and calls you until you go to see him or he'll stop by your apartment and just smile
-When it's "that time of the month" he swings by and always brings you treats and he will voluntarily go to the store just to get you tampons
-He's not afraid of how emotional you get and he's verrrryyy careful when he's with you. Most of the time he just cuddles you until you fall asleep
-Now, let's talk about how much he loves kissing you
-He will come by in the middle of the night just to make out and you'll gladly let him in
-He would never do anything to you without your permission though
-When you guys are together he'll just randomly lean over and kiss you, pulling you onto his lap or something
-He has the softest lips and his breath is always minty fresh (mostly because he brushes his teeth in between class and meals)
-The cute little things he does are !!!!!!!
-Hugging you from behind when you're cooking or cleaning and then spinning you around to pick you up (example below)

 Most of the time he just cuddles you until you fall asleep-Now, let's talk about how much he loves kissing you-He will come by in the middle of the night just to make out and you'll gladly let him in-He would never do anything to you without your...

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-Giving you quick little pecks with a short "I love you" in between
-Leaving his shirts and jackets at your place on purpose so he can see you wear them the next day at school
-His hair always fell onto his face when he was concentrating on his homework and you'd play with his curls while he studied cuz it always lowered his stress
-When he's bored he plays with your hair and attempts little braids and whatnot, but he always fails and ends up getting your hair all tangly
-When you're sick he always takes care of you and eventually he'll get himself sick because he kisses you way too much
-Now, when HE'S sick it's a different story. He gets all whiny and he won't eat anything unless you kiss him or cuddle. He's such a needy boi
-Both of you get bullied pretty badly and even though you know how to handle it, Peter's still there for you and will beat any motherfucker that gets in your face ( Shoutout to the asshole that told me to kill myself;) )
-When Peter gets hurt on one of his Spider-Man runs, he always comes back to your place for you to clean him up. He can't do it himself and Aunt May, well, she'd lose her shit
-You'd get a damp cloth to dab away the blood and he'd whine and wince like a little baby the whole time
-He loves you a whole lot and he calls you every morning to tell you that and every time you see him he says "I love you" at least 5 times in a row (he counts)
-When you're sad, he always comes over and holds you until you fall asleep and when he's sad he just lays his head on your lap and watches tv with you until he also falls asleep
-When y'all get into fights, he's always the first one to apologize (even if he was right the whole time)
-Don't get me started on your birthday though I mean shit he goes all out and buys you everything he can with all his money and then he takes you out to eat and he makes sure you had a great day
-And on his birthday all he ever says he wants is you and legos, but of course you try to go all out for him and if he figures out what you're doing he convinces you not to and y'all end up staying in for the day
-He thinks every damn thing you do is adorable it gets pretty annoying, but you still love him to pieces
-Peter Parker is the best boyfriend ever


A/N: I know this is super short, but it's just a test to see if y'all like it so let me know and I may continue these-Sadie

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