
5.5K 105 3

Word count: 1555

(Blood Warning)

I lounged in the warmth of the sun as Tom and Harrison were yelling and splashing around with each other in the pool.
"Hey y/n!" Haz called. I sat up and adjusted my large sunglasses, "What is it?" I asked, slightly annoyed that he disturbed my tanning session.
"Wanna come swim with us?" He asked with his arms waving around like an idiot. Before I could answer him Tom dunked him underwater and smiled at his own victory. I laughed and laid back once more.
"C'monnnnnn" they both whined when they saw that I had gone back to my laziness.
"Maybe later." I said closing my eyes. I heard mischievous whispering and I looked over at them.
"What are you planning?" I asked raising an eyebrow in suspicion. They both giggled, but didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and laid back again. I started to drift off into sleep when all of the sudden I felt a couple drops of water on my leg and then two pairs of wet arms grab me. I opened my eyes and started to struggle.
"What the hell?!?" I yelled as they ran to the edge of the pool holding me up and smiling at each other.
"One...two..." they said in unison. I struggled more, "NO NO NO STOP IT PUT ME DOWN ITS TOO COLD!" I screamed with a slight bit of laughter in my voice.
"Two and a half..." They both said slowly. I gave up struggling and admitted my defeat.
"THREE!" They yelled before tossing my into the icy water. I felt my thin bathing suit soak through in the water, making goose bumps along my arms and legs. I came to the surface and watched as they laughed at me,
"I hate both of you so much right now." I said angrily. They stuck their tongues out at me and jumped in. They both surfaced and Haz said, "Lets play Marco Polo! You're it Tom!"
Tom frowned, "Hey that's not fair!" He said splashing him. Haz shrugged and we started the game. Tom counted loudly as we spread out in the pool.
"Marco!" Tom said slowly starting to move towards us.
"Polo!" We both said, giggling a little. Tom jumped in Haz's direction and he went under water. Tom cursed under his breath and splashed around him with his eyes squeezed shut.
"Marco!" He called once more.
"Polo!" I replied before Haz came up behind me and grabbed me by my waist. I squealed and he shushed me. Tom heard and splashed towards me, but before he reached me, Haz took me under the water and pulled me to the corner of the pool. I giggled quietly and watched Tom splash around like an idiot.
"Marco!" He said, obviously annoyed. I was about to reply, but Haz covered my mouth and shook his head, smiling. Tom splashed his fisted hands down into the water and opened his eyes.
"What the hell!" He said angrily.
"I thought we were playing a game, not have a cuddling session!"
Haz laughed and let go of me.
"Sorry mate, I was just messing around." He said, still laughing. Tom huffed and swam up to the edge of the pool, lifting himself out.
"I can't believe you two." He mumbled and walked inside, grabbing his towel before walking in the door. I looked over at Haz, "Why'd you do that?" I asked furrowing my brow. He shrugged, "I thought It'd be funny to see his reaction. I didn't know he'd get so mad about it."
I got out of the pool and grabbed my towel, "I'm gonna go check on him." I said before walking in the house. I heard him mumbling something about how could Harrison do that after he told him and I walked up behind him.
"Told him what?" I asked quietly. He turned to me,
"N-nothing..." he stammered.
"Harrison wasn't trying to make you upset..." I said, trying to comfort him. He sighed, "Yeah, he was." He said shaking his head disapprovingly, making droplets of water fly around him.
"Oh..." I said looking down, "If you don't mind me asking. Why would he do that on purpose?"
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "I told him that you..." he said quietly. I felt my heart jump with joy and I held back a smile.
"And he told me that he likes you too...that's why he meant to do it. He's trying to make me jealous because he knows that I know you two are close and have a history." He continued. I bit my lip, "We never had history...I literally met him a week before I met you..." I said fidgeting with a small ring on my pinky finger. I saw his face brighten a little, "Really?" He asked moving a little closer. I nodded and he smiled, "Well, I guess that means I can do this," he said walking closer to me and grabbing my hands. I looked up at him, "Hey, can I tell you something?" I said. He nodded.
"I like you too." I said smiling. He cupped my face with his right hand and leaned in to kiss me, but before he could do so, Harrison burst in. Tom looked up and I turned around to see him staring at Tom angrily. He stormed towards Tom pushing me aside and before I could jump in front of him, he punched Tom right in face. My eyes widened and I rushed over to Tom before Harrison could do anymore damage. Tom stumbled back and caught his balance before throwing his fist at Harrison. I screamed at them as they kept going at each other eventually on the floor. I pulled at Harrison's shirt trying to pull him off of Tom. Both of their faces were bruised and bloody, but they wouldn't stop. I eventually got Harrison off of Tom and stood in between both of them.
"STOP IT! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT OVER ME!" I yelled breathlessly.
"Two almost grown're acting like middle schoolers!" I said. Tom looked down, obviously ashamed, but Harrison just scoffed angrily and stormed out slamming the door behind him. I got a wet washcloth and started to wipe away the blood that oozed down Tom's face. I shook my head at him and said, "Look at you. You're a wreck."
He grabbed my hand, making me drop the washcloth, "Y/n..." he said quietly.
"Don't say anything. I don't want to here it." I said picking up the washcloth and continuing to wipe away the, now dry, blood. He pushed a loose strand of hair gently behind my ear. I ignored him and started to work on a cut on his lip. I could feel him staring at my every move.
"All done." I said standing back and looking up at him. He looked at me and placed his large hand on my cheek. I looked at him and was about to say something, but before I could he quickly and passionately pressed his lips on mine. At first I protested, but I eventually pulled him closer to me and kissed him back. I put one hand on the back of his neck and one on his bare arm. I felt the hairs on his neck and arm stand up on end as he picked me up and put me on his kitchen counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist as our kissing became more and more heated. He started to kiss down my neck slowly. I pushed him away,
"Ok, I thing we've said enough." I said jumping off the counter and wiping my swollen lips. Tom looked at me, "But we didn't even saying anything?" I started to walk towards the back door, "Exactly." I said opening the glass door and smiling to myself. He ran after me and walked out as I was picking up my things from the pool chair.
"So, we're not going to talk about what just happened?" He asked. I looked up at him, "Buy me dinner and we'll talk about it." I said giving him a small smirk. I turned around and walked towards the front of his house where my car was. I could see him silently fist bumping the air and jumping up and down from excitement. I laughed and shook my head, getting into my car. He ran up to me and knocked on the window. I rolled it down,
"Tomorrow, 7:00. I'll pick you up." He said breathlessly. I smiled and said, "Ok." Then I drove away. Once I got home my dad was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book. He looked up at me and smiled, "How was it?" He asked.
"It was great." I said biting my lip.
"Hey, what's that on your neck?" He asked, pointing at my obvious hickies.
"Uhh...I burnt myself with my hair straightener..." I said nervously smiling. He nodded, "Ah ok" and went back to reading his book. I went to my room and flopped on my bed It was a good day indeed...

A/N: This one is super long and it's a little dramatic, but let me know what y'all think-Sadie<3

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