Chapter One; Introduction

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Hey guys, I have been writing his book for a long time now but have finally decided to post it now, hope you enjoy it! I will be updating every Sunday or sometimes Monday mornings if I forget, hope you like it... Read ahead...


Lou Teasdale, One Direction's Stylist's, sister is Peyton Teasdale. She is a youtuber and a singer. When Peyton auditions for the X Factor, will the judges like her? What will happen when she meets 1D? Find out in 'Something New'

Lou's POV

I was trying to get Harry to sit still, this boy can't be still for 3 seconds! Him and Louis are having a nerf gun fight and he keeps getting paranoid that Louis will jump out on him and he'll lose the match. Stupid teenagers:/ aha:D! I've told Harry that if Louis hits him while he's in the chair I will hit Louis back for him, but he's still jumpy!

"Haz, sit still pretty please!!" I ask for the 100th time today!

"Sorry but he's gonna get me!" He replies. Idiot!

He finally sat still for a minute so I could just about do his hair and make-up! Now it's Louis' turn for hair and make-up. I was just about to call him when he walked in, with MY phone!!

"Louis, what are you doing with my phone mate?" I ask.

"Someone called and they wanted to talk to Lou, so me being Lou, I answered!" He said with a smirk on his face. I had to think who would be calling me today, I hadn't spoken to my sister in ages but I didn't think she'd call because she's at the O2 arena today, all day.

"Mkay, any idea who it is Lou?" I ask.

He paused for a bit and then asked the person calling who they were. He then looked at me and said..

"Her name is Peyton" He said.

OMG!!! Peton is my sister, she's 19 and she lives in Camden with her 3 year old twins Tayla and Kye. I haven't seen her for months, we've spoken a few times but only to arrange birthdays and stuff like that. I wonder why she's calling??

"Hand me the phone Lou!!" I say excitedly.

"Nah, peasant!" He replies.

"Louis Tomlinson, give me the dam phone or else!" I yell laughing.

"Geez, calm it Lou!" He sasses.

I grab the phone and shoo Louis away so I can talk to my sister.

(L=Lou P= Peyton)

L- hey sister you okay?

P- yeah, what about you?

L- I'm cool, sorry about Lou, he's such a twit!

P- aha it's cool, he seemed... Nice?

L- haha, yeah, I guess you could say that! So how comes you calling sister?

P- oh yeah, I was calling to say that I erm.. I got through to boot camp on the X factor!!!

L- OMG, well done sis!! When can you come and see us. Lux says she misses you lots!!

P- thanks and I miss you and her too! I think I can come this weekend so tomorrow? Boot camp starts in two weeks so I can stay for a bit if that's okay with you?

L- that's totally cool with me, can't wait to see you, text me when you are at the train station and ill send a limo to pick you up in, I'll come with the boys!

P- okay! And a limo!! Yay!! Can't wait, see ya! Gotta go and tell mum Tayla and Kye!! Love ya:)

L- love ya too sister, see you tomorrow!

P- Byee!

L- bye!!

I hung up and turned around to see 5 boys with smirks on their faces. Been eavesdropping have we boys, eh?

"Can I help?" I ask sarcastically

Harry's POV

"Can I help?" Lou asked sarcastically.

We were listening to her conversation with her sister, I've seen pictures of her sister and let's just say she's my type. I know I'm always called the flirt of the band but at least I'm good at flirting with girls:)

Peyton, from what I've heard and seen, is a YouTuber and she had been in a lot of videos with my favourite YouTuber Carrie Hope Fletcher, her name is ItsWayPastMyBedTime. She's hilarious! Libby has blonde straight hair with big blue eyes that shine into the camera. She always wears her signature snowflake necklace and her favourite colours are blue, black and white. She always wear belly tops even when it's cold, wow I know a lot.

I feel like a stalker now:p but just think, people know that much and more about us:O! I also know that her favourite bands are McFly, busted, McBusted and the vamps. I think she's heard of us but we're not exactly like McFly or busted and I guess we're not in her age group.

I was snapped out I my thoughts when Lou snapped her fingers in front of my face making me jump.

"My sister's coming tomorrow, so dress smartly and be here at 9 am! Who's next for hair and make-up then?" She said.

We nodded in agreement with her first statement and pushed Louis forwards for hair and make-up first!!


Hey guys:)

Hope you liked chapter one! Please comment, fan and follow, I love you all so much<3 if any of you want to be in this story please comment some points about you and I'll pick as many as I can:)

Stay Beautiful<3


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