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Peyton's POV

Today my babies start primary school! They're growing up so fast, I just can't wait to see their faces when they reach the school gates. Yep, I'm one excited mummy.

"Hey kids, are you ready for your first day of school?" I ask the twins.

"Yes!" They replied.

They stood by the family photo wall as I took their photo. They looked so smart, stood their in their red jumpers and black bottoms. Tayla had her hair in two French plaits going down each side of her head and Kye had his hair spiked like Niall's.

Niall came up behind me and put his arm around my waist.

"Look at our little cuties!" He whispered in my ear making me grin.

"Hey kids shall we get a family photo?" Niall said as he set the camera up on a timer.

We all posed for a photo and smiled as the camera clicked to signal the photo was successful.

It was now 8:30, time to leave, we all got in the car and drove to their primary school where many children an parents were waiting outside. I spotted Nicole, Lewis, Jake, Molly and Thalia standing outside on the playground an went over to say hello.

"Hello Thaila!" Tayla greeted her friend with a hug.

Kye, however, greeted Jake with a handshake they had obviously made up over the time we had spent together.

The school bell rang as all the teachers asked the parents to say goodbye.

"By mummy bye daddy we love you" Kye and Tayla spoke in unison. We hugged and then said goodbye as Niall and I walked back to our car.

*at home*

My belly really hurts, it feels like someone is repeatedly punching me there. I feel sick, almost faint, and I feel as If any moment I will throw up.

"Babe, are you feeling okay?" Niall asked me.

"Not really, my belly hurts" I replied as he giggled at me using the word belly like a 5 year old.

"Do you need to go the pharmacy?" He asked concerned.

"No I'll be fine babe" I replied.

I thought of what it could be... I haven't had my period in a while but sometimes it's late. Maybe it's just a bug. Or maybe I'm pregnant! I'm pretty sure I have a test here from when Faith and Aidan came over, don't ask!

I checked if it was still in date before using it, luckily it was. I peed on the stick and waited for the results...


I shouted for Niall immediately.

"What's the matter lass?" He asked panicking.

"We're having a baby, I'm pregnant!" I said, showing him the test.

"That's brilliant babe!" He cheered. "we've got to tell our families now!"

I'm going to be a mum to another baby and this time the dad is someone I love!

Niall's POV

IM GOING TO BE A DAD! A real biological daddy! I can't wait to tell my mum and brother and the boys!

Can't wait for baby Horan to arrive🙈


Okay, so that's the first epilogue of the two I have written I end this book in the series. I really hope you enjoyed reading this as well I enjoyed writing it!
Lots of love,


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