Chapter Twenty Seven; Goodbyes

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Peyton's POV
"How about we all go to the park?" I suggested hoping that they would all say yes!
"Yeah that sounds amazing!" Louis said thankfully.
Tayla and Kye wanted to get changed just incase the paps were there so we went upstairs to change.
Tayla wore her red and white Minnie the mouse dress. Kye wore his black skinny jeans and a blue polo shirt. Niall and I changed too and so did the others I guess. I wore a similar dress to Tayla but it was red and white polka dotted. Niall wore black skinny jeans and a blue polo shirt, similar to Kye. The others met us downstairs so we decided to get going.
"Okay everyone get in their cars it Park time!" I said as they all went to their cars.
I texted everyone, 'hey guys go to the VIP night hall on fallow lane, the twins party is ready!'
They all texted back saying okay an they'll meet me there.
The windows in the back of the car had covers over them anyway so the twins couldn't see anything out of them. Hopefully they will like their party! Lou and the boys planned it when we were away but Niall helped a lot still. I'm really excited for the party! All of Tayla and Kye's friends are going to be there. Also my mum, stepdad and brother and his partner Faye are going. I can't wait!
I can't believe my little twins are 4 today! They're growing up so fast, soon they'll be leaving me to go to school! I plan on having another baby but not now maybe in a few years when Niall and I have discussed it. I remember the day that I was told I was pregnant, it was stressful but it turned out the become my favourite memory.
The only bad bit about today is that I've only got one more day until I have to leave for the X factor live shows, but excited but I don't know how I'm going to cope being away from my family for that amount of time. Well I guess i'll have to get used to it if the twins are going to school and Niall and I will be in tours (hopefully). Aidan, my brother, said that he will look after the twins when Niall and I are away. I think that with Faye pregnant that will be good practice for them.
The kids wanted the one direction CD on in the car so Niall flipped it over to the CD bit an it started to blast out the speakers.
It came to 'story of my life' and Tayla shouted out " quiet it's Daddy's bit!" When Niall began to sing. She's such a cutie.
We listened to a couple more songs and then we arrived at the venue for their party. Everyone was inside because we had to take a longer way.
"You two put this blindfold on and we'll carry you into the park okay?" Niall said.
They both nodded their heads and we carried them like babies into the party. The entertainment had set up and we were all ready to go.
"You can take your blindfolds off in 3...2...1...GO" I say as they excitedly take their blindfolds off.
"It's not the park! It's a party!" Tayla says excitedly
"Is it for us?" Kye asks.
"Yes of course darling! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I say.
"Thank you mummy!" Tayla thanked me.
"It wasn't me you nee to thank its Aunty Lou Lou!" I state.
"Thankyou Lou Lou! you even invited Freya and Hollie, my best friends and ASPEN! Wow! Thanks Lou Lou!" Tayla shouted excitedly going to greet we friends.
"And Lou Lou invited Josh and Cayne! Thank you Lou Lou!" Kye thanked also rushing to talk to his friends.
The night went quickly, I caught up with my old friend Darby and her daughter Aspen, a beautiful child!
I gave her my new address, the boys' house and we decided to meet up after the X factor and tours are over. Which is easier said than done!
In only a few months there will be no X factor and no more tours to think about for a while, oh what a peaceful life that will be.
Tayla and Ke decided to open their presents when we got home from the party as it would be easier.
When we all got home we sat in the living room and gave Tayla and Kye their presents. First to give was Louis and Eleanor, they gave Tayla a new Disney bike and Kye one of those motorbike for kids. Next was Liam and Rachel, they gave Tayla a Disney princess doll house and lots of barbie dolls to play with and Kye got a monster truck play set with ramps and RC cars. After them was Zayn and Perrie, they got Tayla dressing up box full with clothes to dress up with and Kye got a my first monopoly Cars edition. The last people to give presents were Lou,Lux and Tom. They gave Tayla a MyStyle hairdressing doll, and Kye got a Skateboard.
Niall and I went into the kitchen to get our present for them ready.
"Guys come in the kitchen we have your joint present!" We called out.
"Coming!" The twins shouted.
They walked in to the kitchen to see their present sitting on the floor wagging his tail excitedly.
"OMG it's a puppy! thank you mummy and daddy!" Tayla screamed wig excitement.
"It's so cute! Thanks mummy and daddy!" Kye said afterwards.
"What are you going to call him?" I asked looking down at the chocolate Labrador puppy that excitedly sat infront of me.
"MARS" Kye and Tayla agreed.
"Aww I love it! Welcome to the family Mars!" Niall said kneeling down to stroke Mars.
I love our family, they're going to be too hard to say goodbye to.

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