Chapter Twenty Two; X Factor Bootcamp Part 1

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* 3 weeks later *
Peyton's POV
Today is the start of X Factor bootcamp, I honestly can't wait, but I will miss the guys and my beautiful boyfriend and kids. Oh yeah, by the way, Niall and I started dating about 2 weeks ago and I haven't been happier. He's the best boyfriend I could ask for, I love him so so much!
We are currently in the car, and by we I mean Niall, Tayla, Kye and I, I can't wait to get there but I don't want to leave them. We are listening to McFly's best bits album. The kids are singing along but I'm not as I'm going to save my voice for bootcamp. Only 4 more miles until we arrive there.
*At Bootcamp*
"Bye bye my little babies, daddy will look after you, I'm gonna miss you lots and lots!" I say to Kye and Tayla.
"Bye mummy, we love you too!" They chorused.
The next good at was the worst, Niall, my favourite person in the world, along with my kids, the person I couldn't live without. He picked me up when I was at my lowest and I don't know how I'm going to cope without him.
"Bye Nialler, I'm going to miss you soo much, please call everyday and skype as well. I love you lots and I'm going to miss you a lot!" I say with tears streaming down my face.
He had tears in his eyes as I was talking and he replied, "goodbye love, I will call you and skype everyday, now remember if you're feeling like you're gonna cut call me and I'll always answer. I love you so much and I'm gonna miss you the most!".
We were both crying and sobbing in eachother's arms. But now we really had to leave.
I kissed Niall on the lips and then kissed Kye and Tayla on the cheeks. Boy I was going to miss them. I waved one final time and then began to walk into the rehearsal room.
"Hello guys, I'm Simon as you all know and I'll be telling you what you got to do for the next 4 weeks. First of all, we're gonna get you settled into your rooms with your roommates. Then after that we'll have tea and then begin our warmups and practice, sound good? Okay let's begin. The lists of roommates are;
Lauren and Chantelle
Ben and Joey
Nate and Kyle
Jade and Olivia
Gareth and David
Ellis and Joe
Caspar and Marcus
Peyton and Adelaide
And Nicky and Joanna
Now find your pairs and go and stand next to eachother, we will direct you to your rooms. Thank you"
I was paired with Adelaide Jones, she was really pretty and talented. Her singing range was similar to mine and we both had the same interests. We both loved McBusted and bands like that so we should get along smoothly.
"Hey, I'm Peyton but people call me Toni for short" I sad to Adelaide.
"Hey I'm Adelaide but people call me Adele for short" she replied.
We both giggled and then went and stood next to eachother and we were joined with another pair, Lauren and Chantelle. All the girls in my group were nice so hopefully there will be no issues.
"Okay so some of you will be taken to the main theatre and some of you will be told to unpack your stuff. Okay so can the following names go to the main theatre please;
Peyton Teasdale
Adelaide Cole
Lauren Ryder
Chantelle Smith
And the rest of you can go and unpack your bags. Thank you!" Simon finished.
We got lead into the main theatre and we all sat on the stage.
"Okay so I guess you're all wondering why you're in here?" Simon said. The judges sat done and began to talk.
"Well it's because we have decided that you girls could be something" Mel said.
"You girl really have the full package!" Louis said.
"So we are going to be putting you into a girlband! You can chose your own name, look into it and we hope you enjoy your life as a girlband. You can't tells anyone else in bootcamp this but you've gone straight to judges houses and I will be your mentor, no one else's, and I will be your manager too! Good luck pets" Cheryl said happily.
"Thank you ever so much, all of you! We won't let you down Cheryl, pinky promise!" I thanked the judges.
OMG we are a girlband! Helll yeah! I can't wait to tell Niall!
We decided to go back to our room and watch The Purge to celebrate.
*Skip Film*
Well that film was really scary, OMG, there's popcorn all over the floor because it was so jumpy! It was no 1pm so we should really start to write some songs for Cheryl.
That's it for part one,
Thank you for reading! See you next time!
Stay Beautiful💘

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