Chapter Thirty Two; Anniversary Surprises

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Niall's POV

24th October 2013 the day I started dating my beautiful girlfriend, Peyton Teasdale. From then on, my life became happier and much more joyful. All down to Peyton and the kids. My three most treasured family members. Followed closely by the boys, obviously!

Peyton is my sunshine and as cheesy as it sounds she makes my life worth living and i would be lost without her. The thing with Peyton is that if you're feeling down, one look at her beautiful blue eyes can cheer you up immediately.

Her wonderful voice and her luscious looks are all I need to keep me happy for eternity.

Today is our 1 year Anniversary and I've planned a surprise for her. It took me hours and with help from the boys I finally finished it.
My phone buzzed, it was a text from Peyton;
Hey Ni,
What time should I come over tonight?
Love Peyton xx
I replied;
Hey Pey,
About 6 ish, wear a dress babe;)
Love Niall xx
This girl is literally my world! Without her, I don't know what I would be.

"Daddy daddy guess what!" Kye shouts to me.

"I don't know little man, what?" I reply.

" Uncle Harry's on the news, they said something about Acacia Porter as well!" Kye squealed.

"Okay, come and show me what it said please?" I asked.

He lead to me to thee TV in the lounge and pointed to Harry's face on the screen. It read;

'Harry Styles seen with Acacia Porter, from children's TV, last kissing in a night club. Has Styles struck again in love or was it just a one night thing?'

Wow, he moves on quickly, only a couple of day ago, he broke up with Brittany the she-devil.

"Daddy, Acacia is very pretty can we meet her!" Kye asked me.

"Well I could ask uncle Harry" I suggested

"YES! Yes please daddy!" Kye says with excitement.

"Okay, I will later, you need to go and find your sister to go to Louis and Eleanor's with mummy" I tell him.

"Okay daddy!" Kye replied.

Peyton is taking Tayla and Kye to Louis' and Eleanor's flat as they are watching a film to keep her occupied until my plan was ready.

Hopefully she doesn't know. I'm throwing her a party and inviting everyone round and then I'm going to do something really special. But I can't say anything just incase I say it out loud.

* a couple of hours later*

It's now 6:00pm and the party starts at 7:30. I've invited all of Peyton's old school friends and her family, including her brother Aidan and his girlfriend Faith.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket. It was Peyton ringing me..

"Hello princess, what's up?" I answer.

"Hey, it's Tayla she's not eating well and she's being sick all the time, I need to take her to the hospital!" She says panicking.

"Okay I will be right there" I say picking up my keys and running to my car.

I hope Tayla is okay because she is my little princess and I couldn't afford to lose her. She been acting strange all week, it could be nervousness or an illness.

Kye is always so close to Tayla so he'll probably know when she's unwell. She's usually so happy and bouncy. She wasn't this morning, I didn't notice her not eating though. I'm such a bad dad. My stomach is churning just thinking about my little princess and if she's okay.

I beeped outside the flat and Peyton ran out with Tayla in her arms. Her tiny face had no expression. Peyton looked stressed n worried I held her hand as she put her seatbelt on and we drove off to the hospital

*at hospital*

"Tayla Teasdale, she hasn't been eating and has been being sick constantly for the past 30 minutes" I said.

"Okay go an see doctor Wilson now thank you" the receptionist said.

We walked into the doctors office.

Peyton's POV

"Hello Peyton and Niall. How can I help you?" He asked.

"Well Tayla has been throwing up and not eating for about 24 hours" I replied.

"Ah well let me just do some tests on her and we'll see the results go" he said.

He messed around with his different medial equipment and finally came to a conclusion that Tayla had developed Childhood anorexia.

"Yes, she has developed Childhood Anorexia, which is quite serious but since her stomach has shrunk and doesn't want to eat anymore, she will need to go onto some medication" he explained writing on a prescription paper.

"Okay thank you doctor" we sai as we walked out of his office holding each of Tayla's hands tightly.

"Mummy, I feel sick!" Tayla squeals as she falls to the floor clutching her belly.

I took her straight to the bathroom and tell her,
"you need to eat darling, it will make you feel better".

"But my belly hurts" she replied. Yep she well and truly was ill, she would usually eat anything and everything on the earth but she's seriously unwell.

'Childhood anorexia' it rang a bell inside my head whenever it come across my thoughts. That's it, Lou's best mate Lucie used to suffer from it.

I need to ring Lou to see how I can stop Tayla for deteriorating!

After my phone call will Lou, she told me that I had to help her eat and should never let her be in an environment that she would feel uncomfortable in alone.

Niall's POV

Okay so I just overheard Peyton on the phone to Lou, and I now know that Tayla can't be in a loud uncomfortable environment for a while. So I just cancelled the party:( I know it's a lot of planning down the drain but family comes first, and if Tayla couldn't come then it's not worth having a party without one of my favourite girls there with me.

Hopefully my surprise will be okay when I cook dinner for everyone later though.

Peyton's POV

Dinner at home was really nice, everyone came round and we are currently eating our pudding, strawberry cheesecake! Suddenly, Niall pulled a box out his pocket and stood up. I wondered what he was doing, still confused I watched in wonder as he got down onto one knee and said,

"Peyton Sophia Teasdale will you marry me?" His grin wider than ever.

"YES YE OF COURSE I WILL" I shrieked with excitement.

Imagine me Mrs Peyton Horan...

Everyone was cheering and clapping as we sat down holding hands.

"Mummy and daddy are going to be married, can I be the bride!" Tayla asked sweetly.

"No darling not yet a while, but you can bridesmaid!" I replied excitedly as we all giggled at her cute response.

"I want to be the ring bear!" Kye shouted loudly making us all giggle too.

"Okay Kye you can be the Ring bear!" Niall said laughing.

The rest of the night went by so quickly, we all went to bed afterwards because very one was so tired.

I tell you what, I really can't believe it, MRS PEYTON SOON- TO-BE HORAN!

Hope you guys liked this chapter, there's only 4 more to go. All will e revealed within the next couple of chapters, thank you!

Love you all lots,


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