🌺Notes (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)

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    There it was, right in front of you. Attending the UA had always been your dream. For a long time you hadn't thought that you could make it with a useless quirk as your father had put it. However you not only passed the entrance exams, but you excelled. You weren't able to take the exam at the same time everyone else did due to you being away for a family tragedy so it was your first day while it had been about a week since everyone else started. Your quirk was unique as there had been no one reported that could connect with nature as well as you could. You could make plants grow, and even get them to act under your command. Attending the school wouldn't be easy, not just because of the tests or the physical activities, but because of the people as you would soon find out.

You walked endlessly down the long hallways trying desperately to find class 1A but the task seemed almost impossible, your first day so far was not seeming to be as easy as you had hoped. You looked down at the map of the school that you had received when you passed the test, completely forgetting to look up and ended up running into someone. You quickly apologized and nothing out of the ordinary happened until he pushed you. Not expecting it you fell on your butt, the papers you held scattered across the hallway. The boy leaned down so that his red eyes were level with your (E/C) ones.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WATCH WHERE YOUR FUCKING GOING AND MAYBE THIS WONT HAPPEN" he screamed in your face. Your skin paled and you stared shocked at the boy who was now glaring at you, you nodded quickly.

"Bakugou, that's enough leave her alone and get your ass to class," a boy with half white half red hair said as he walked over to us. Bakugou 'tsked' before walking away to god knows where. The unidentified boy walked over to you before crouching down and helping you pick all of your papers up. "Are you alright," he asked offering you a hand to get up. You grabbed his hand and nodded as he pulled you off the ground.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), but you can call me
(Y/N)," you said to the boy.

"Shoto Todoroki," he said and you nodded and thanked him. "I've never seen you around so I'm gunna guess your new, do you need help finding your class?" He asked.

"Actually yes, I'm looking for class 1A, the hero course." He smiled and motioned for you to follow him. Soon enough you found yourself in front of a large classroom. Shoto walked inside and sat down at a desk. You walked over to the teacher you knew as Aizawa, got what you needed and sat two seats in front of a guy with blond hair looking out a window. Soon enough you felt daggers being glared through the back of your head. Turning around slowly you saw the guy who you ran into earlier glaring at you. Paying no attention to it you turned back around.

About halfway through the class you yawned and started to get bored. Grabbing a notebook that you had brought with you you ripped a page out of it and wrote a simple two letter word with a smiley face after it 'hi:)' you crumpled the piece of paper and threw it across the room at Shoto. It hit the side of his head and he looked quite surprised when it hit him. You had to hold back a laugh at how idiotic he looked when he tried to find what hit him. When he found the paper he flattened it and looked over at you. When he saw that you were looking back at him he smiled and wrote something then threw it back at you. When you flattened it you noticed it was the same as what you had wrote.

Throughout class that day you had passed the piece of paper back and fourth making fun of each other for how they looked when the paper hit their head and learned more about each other at the end of the day Shoto had asked if you wanted to walk home with him which you quickly replied with "I dunno, it depends on if you wanna take the long way or not." He smiled and motioned his hand to the door.

"Lead the way," I smiled at him and folded the paper that we had written on and pocketed it quickly, that paper would be the start of many more that would turn a friendship into something much better.

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