🌪Taste of Jealousy (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)

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"I'm going." You argued glancing at the digital clock on your night stand. Ugh, you only had half an hour to get ready before the New Year's party.

"No, you aren't."

Growling at his response, you were ready to rip your hair out and your face was redder than Satan's ass. He was being very frustrating.

But the way Shouto leaned nonchalantly against your bedroom door and the look on his face didn't seem like he was going to budge... as expected.

The guy was as cold as they came.

It's pretty strange how you two ended up dating in the first place. He was all cold and mysterious and yet you were all attitude and an open book.

"Yes, the fuck I am! What are you so worried about? He's just a family friend." You blew a piece of hair out of your face, crossing your arms over your chest. Yes, you two were fighting over one of the hosts of the party; the one who personally invited you. Shouto rolled his eyes not feeling like explaining to you of what was quite obvious.

"Family friend or not, Monoma is a guy," Shouto huffed crossing his arms like how you did before. It was apparent that he was jealous but in his terms, he was 'just doing what a boyfriend should do' which you didn't disagree with but he kept denying he was jealous.

"Holy shit, and I'm a girl," You deadpanned.

"Cool, now use your common sense and everything will be fine," Shouto said rolling his eyes before walking out of your room.

"Where are you going?!" You shouted hearing his footsteps fade down the stairs.

"Home!" Shouto shouted back from downstairs and with that, you heard the front door close. Tsk, common sense my ass. He's way over exaggerating, You thought. Monoma was just a natural tease... Besides, even though you had liked him before didn't mean you liked him now, especially with Shouto at your side. You sighed.

You'll just text him later since he didn't sound particularly mad but for now, you had to get ready for the New Year's party. You took a quick shower before slipping on tight black jeans with some sneakers and a maroon t-shirt under you loose denim jacket.

You checked the time again and had... 10 minutes to get there! Shit!

You grabbed your pair of house keys and car keys before rushing out of the front door only to bump into a hard chest.

"Oof!" You grunted and looked at who you collided to. He came back? "What are you doing here?" You exhaled.

"I figured you wouldn't listen to me," He sighed, "So I'm going with you." You looked at him up and down realizing he changed into nicer clothes. Either way, he still looked amazing as always.

You shrugged, closing the door behind you, "I mean, I guess." You two walked to your car before driving off to the Monoma household.

"Why are you going to this anyways?" Shouto asked you.

"Because he's my friend, Shouto." You said as if stating the obvious. You kept looking at the road though focusing more on driving.

"Don't you think it's odd that he invited you even personally? He hates our class..." He was obviously trying to build evidence against all of this but it was pretty weak in general.

"We were friends before U.A." It was true, you and Monoma went to the same middle school before going to where you two were and the friendship was still as strong.

The rest of the short ride was silent and before you knew it, you two were in front of his house.

"Wait," You were right at his doorstep before turning around to Shouto who grabbed you lightly by the wrist. He kissed you gently which turned rougher as his hands rested on your waist.

Unfortunately, your little make-out session was cut short as you pulled away immediately hearing the door open.

"(Y/n)!" You were greeted by Monoma with a genuine smile but then turned into a frown seeing you brought company, "And you... brought him?" Monoma definitely wasn't pleased to see another Class 1A student who was also your dear boyfriend.

Shouto gave a small nod snaking his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.

Sjavshajd, he's cute when he's jealous. You thought smiling.

"Yeah, I hope you didn't mind I brought a plus-one." You said awkwardly rubbing the side of your arm.

Oh, Monoma did mind but he wasn't going to show you that.

"Of course not, just glad you came," Monoma gave his best fake smile before stepping aside and letting the couple into his big house.

Immediately, you were greeted by loud music and a lot friendly people, most that recognized Shouto from the sport festival.

"Wah, are you Endeavor's son?"

"Your Shouto Todoroki, from the sports festival!"

Your sweatdropped as people started to crowd around him. Feeling your stomach growl, you climbed out of Shouto's embrace and the crowd telling him you wanted to get some food.

"Hm, where's all the food," You looked around the living room spotting the long table of food that made your eyes gleam. You mildly skipped your way to the food due to excitement and grabbed a plate filling it with random treats.

"Taste good?" You turned around to find the source of the voice.

"Duh, you made this cake?" You asked Monoma as he nodded with a sheepish grin.

"Obviously, if it tastes that good to you," Monoma teased making you playfully punched his shoulder.

"Hey, I can make a bomb ass cake too, you know?" You retorted before shoving another piece into your mouth making him laugh.

"Sure, like last time where you actually made that cake a bomb and blew up your kitchen," Monoma snickered as you turned red from embarrassment.

"Shut up! That was once, you ass and I swear it said tablespoon instead of teaspoon," You tried explaining to him but he wasn't paying attention and continued laughing. You gave up trying to fight with him so you joined him in the laughing.

You missed hanging out with him. You two were really close before you guys went to U.A. It's a shame you two didn't end up in the same class.

"Sure~" He dragged on his words making you roll your eyes.

"What? You wanna have a contest on who can bake the better cake?" By now, you set your empty plate down before rolling up your sleeves.

"You know I'll win, sweetie but why not?" Monoma shrugged as you smirked, "But not here, I don't want you to blow up my kitchen," He snickered before you groaned losing your smirk.

"One fucking time, Neito!" You growled at all his teasing.

"What are you talking about, (Y/n)?" Your eyes went wide in surprise turning around to Shouto who stood directly behind you.

"Oh, uh-"

"Really nothing that concerns you," You heard Monoma huff behind you in slight annoyance. Shouto scrunched his nose in distaste. The playful atmosphere suddenly turned a bit more tense.

"It was just about cake, Shouto," You gave him a crooked smile laughing nervously. Shouto looked at you gripping your shoulders.

"You have some cake..." Todoroki glanced down at your lips where a some icing and cake hung at your bottom lip, "...there."

"Oh, heh," As you were going to lick it off, Shouto took care of it for you. He licked your lips before planting a kiss on them making you turn bright red.

Shouto had a small smirk on his face glancing behind you to see very irritated Monoma. Then, Shouto's smirk widened as Monoma's face held an even deeper shade of  irritable red at what Shouto said,

"Cake's not bad, Monoma but I think my (Y/n) taste better."


GODDAMN, why they so slick LOL.

I love all of them tbhhh but hope y'all liked it!

And does anyone anyone wanna request? lol trying to be creative is hard T_T

- Chai (@chaicitric)

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