🌺Mama (Eijiro Kirishima x Reader)

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    (D/N)=daughters name

    You lay still, eyes closed but not sleeping. Your husband Eijiro's arms were wrapped around your torso pulling your head closer to his chest, every once in a while his lips would meet the crown of your head. Right now almost nothing could ruin the lovely moment you and you husband were sharing. Almost.

    "Mama, mama!" Your four year old daughter (D/N) yelled as she started to jump on the bed you and Eijiro shared. Groaning you turned over to face her, Eijiros arms refusing to let go as you shifted. His buried his face in your hair as you looked at (D/N) waiting for her to tell you what she wanted. "Can we go to the park!"

    Glancing over at the clock you sighed. "Honey it's 9:30 at night, your going to have to wait until tomorrow." Your daughter looked sad. "Come on, let's get you to bed. It's getting late" you said realizing how late it actually was. (D/N) nodded her head and ran off to her room.

    When she crawled into bed you kissed her cheek and said goodnight,but before you had the chance to leave she asked you a question. "Mama can you tell the story of how you and dad met."

    You smiled "again!" (D/N) smiled and shook her head saying yes. "Alright sugarplum. It was when we were still in highschool..."


Your highschool was under attack so all of the classes had to work together to drive the villains out. Most of the classes unintentionally got separated however you and a certain red head stuck together. Even though you weren't in the same class and didn't know each other personally, you knew of each other and you knew each other's quirks. Your quirk was the ability to control nature, you could control plants and even make them grow. However your quirk, when overused, caused your ribs to slowly break. It had only been 10 minutes of fighting before you started to feel the effects of your quirk which slowed you down. Kirishima noticed and told you to get to safety but you were stubborn and together you two took down the villains that were attacking you. After the attack kirishima rushed you to recovery girl and that was the start of a beautiful friendship.


    About a year after he finally asked you out. "And that's the story of how me and your father met" you stated happily. By the time you finished the story (D/N) was fast asleep. Kissing her forehead you got up from her bed and walked over to your husband who had been standing in the doorway.

    "God I love that story" he said which made you smile. You closed the door to your daughters room and embraced your husband. He started walking backwards toward your room without letting you go. Once he closed the door to the room that the two of you shared, he kissed you gently and plopped down onto the bed wrapping his arms around you as they had been earlier that night.


Y'all I misspelled one word stop coming for me lmao. It's fixed now though.

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