🌺It all started with lunch (Denki Kaminari x Reader)

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Requested by Kora_the_neko hope you enjoy <3

Meeting new people had never really been your cup of tea. You've never had good experiences while talking to someone that you've just met because you were ridiculously shy and awkward. So, when you got into the UA and started in a new class with new people, you were a nervous wreck and kept to yourself. Although people would try to talk to you, you would just nod your head slowly and never respond. However, one person in particular wouldn't leave you alone. His name was Denki Kaminari, and you knew from the day that you met him that he was a major flirt, so you immediately knew to stay away.

"(Y/N) wanna sit with me and my buds at lunch today?" He asked. You shook your head no and refocused on what you were doing. This was the fifth time he asked today and this was the fifth time you had declined his offer. He let out a sound of obvious disappointment and threw his head down on the desk quite hard. It seemed as though he got a bright idea because he shot his head back up and looked at you before saying "please," and giving you puppy dog eyes. You noticed a large red mark on his head from when he slammed his forehead on his desk. You looked away from him, trying to hide your laugh.

"Fine," you muttered so lowly that you didn't think he would hear you, but he did. He pumped his fist in the air.

"YEAHHHHH (y/n) actually said something to me!" He then looked over at Kirishima. "Yo dude (y/n)'s sitting with us at lunch today!" You shook your head. This boy gets way to excited over the stupidest things. You probably wouldn't even talk and if you did you wouldn't say much.

Little did you know you would be saying much more than you thought you would have.

Lunch rolled around quite quickly and you found yourself next to Kaminari and across from Kirishima. Next to Kirishima sat Bakugou. His arms were crossed and he glared daggers at you. Out of the four of you, you were the only girl which in itself made you rather uncomfortable, but the fact that a guy that you didn't even know was glaring at you so hard that you thought your head would explode. That pushed you over the edge of discomfort and you found yourself staring at your hands that were folded on your lap. Then the interrogation started.

"So what school did you come from (y/n)," Bakugou asked. You stayed quiet, but he kept pestering, forcing you to answer.

    "I came from (your school)," you said quietly.

    "Oh she speaks!" Bakugou exclaims "now that we've started the conversation tell us more about yourself, like why are you here and what drives you to be a hero." Your face fell.

    "I have to avenge my parents," was all that you had to say to make them all stop talking and stare at you with a new found feeling of pity. However, you didn't need or want their pity so you quickly changed the conversation topic to the things you all had learned in class that day. Despite you changing the topic of conversation, you still noticed the common glances at you.

    After lunch Denki grabbed your shoulder. You turned around to face him. Then you felt something weird, almost like your heart was leaping out of your chest.




"With what you said at lunch..." before he could finish you interrupted him.

    "Don't worry about it. They were both wanna be hero's and made a reckless choice that took their lives. It was a long time ago anyway," you face was red as a beat, but you couldn't explain why. Kaminari wiped under your eyes and pulled you into a hug. Was I crying? That was your first lunch that you had spent together.

    After that day you had started to sit with the boys everyday, ever so slowly getting closer to them. Although you were still shy, you were starting to get comfortable talking to them. Especially Denki, he was now one of you friends, and you were basically attached by the hip. Although, the unexplainable heart leaps continued to happen when you were around Denki, lunch quickly became your favorite part of the day because you were most comfortable there. Until one day, after that lunch everything would change.

One again, similar to your first lunch spent with them, Denki grabbed your shoulder. This time, however, he wasn't looking at you he was looking at the ground instead. "(Y/N), I know you may not feel this way but..." there it was again, the heart leaps.




"I love yo-" he couldn't finish before you had pulled him in for a deep kiss, this was the bravest thing that you had ever done. He had been the one to rid you of your shyness, to take you out of your shell. You finally realized what the heart leaps were. It was your love for him, the love that you shared for each other.

I hope you enjoyed!! I'm thinking about putting up a request page if anyone's interested

~ Ren <3

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