🌺"Study" (Tenya Iida x Reader)

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    Come over to mine after school?

    That was the note you had received from Tenya earlier today. Looking down at the note and then up at the house you debated upon going into your best friend and long term crush's house or turning around and going home. Putting your hearts ideas before your heads, you knocked on his door.

Not too long after, he opened the door and immediately welcomed you inside. Leading you up into his room he explained to you that he needed help with the content your class was learning in history.

    "So as Mr. Aizawa explained in class, the first quirk holder was a newborn baby who glowed" you said and Tenya nodded his head writing it down in a notebook that was neatly laying on his desk. "After that, many people started to be born with powers and now about 80% of the people on earth are quirk holders" he wrote that down as well.

"(Y/n) I think it's about time for a break don't you think, maybe we should take a walk to the park or something" Tenya said rubbing his temples. You nodded your head and then he pulled you off of the chair that you were sitting on and out the door.

The walk to the park was pretty uneventful other than the few times the two of you would small talk about school or stuff that's happened that week. When the two of you were little, you guys had found a little spot that was hidden behind a few trees, there was a wooden bench and that was where the two of you had met. From that point forward you would always meet there. So naturally, once you got to the park, you instantly sat on that bench.

    "I have to tell you something Tenya/(y/n)" you both said. You let out a giggle.

    "You first" you said a smiled softly.

    "I've wanted to tell you this for a long time" he started and looked down refusing to make eye contact. You looked at him curiously. "(Y/n) I-I like you" he looked up at you his face red as a tomato. You looked at him shocked and slowly a blush started to form onto your face.

    "Ahah all I was going to say was that you were doing fine with the material and I was expecting you to say something similar" you said and scratched the back of your head. He looked down at the ground sadly. You waved your hands in front of you and shock your head. With your blush depending you played with your hands. "I'm so glad" you said and he looked up at you. "Tenya I like you too" you said and a big smile instantly crossed his features.

    "Well then" he said and got up from the bench. He put a hand out for you to take and asked "(y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"

    You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself off of the bench. You shifted your hand so that the two of you were holding hands. "Of course I will."

    That day had turned out better than expected. For both of you.

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