🌺Notes part 2 (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)

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    Requested by Kawaiipon  <3

    Not very long after your first day of school you and Shouto became very close, and not long after that you had become boyfriend and girlfriend. Now it was almost three years later and the two of you couldn't be any happier.

"Shouto! Come here" you called from the room of the apartment the two of you shared. He waltzed into your room and noticed that you were holding a large book, the word 'memories' were printed largely in calligraphy across the front. He scrunched his eye brows together in confusion before sitting next to you on your bed. You flipped open to the first page and saw a picture of the two of you on your first date. You pointed at it.


    Taking a sip of your milkshake you looked over at the boy sitting across from you. When he saw you glance at him, he looked away and blushed. The two of you had just started going out and things between you were still a bit awkward. That is until you decided to crack a joke. You being the dirty minded baboon that you were said "what's the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?"

    Cracking a smile as if  he already knew the joke, Todoroki said "what."

    "You can unscrew a lightbulb" the two of you laughed whole heartedly completely unaware of your classmates hiding in the bushes outside taking pictures of the two of you.


    "Oh what about this one!" Shouto said pointing at a selfie of the two of you when you went ice skating.


    You gripped onto Shouto a hand tightly. You had decided to let him pick where the two of you went tonight and it wasn't your smartest idea because he picked to go ice skating. If there was one thing you couldn't do it would be that. You had fallen too many times to count and there were many more to come. At this point you and Shouto had been dating for a few months and you loved it. You pulled out your phone and poked Shoutos arm lightly. He looked over at you holding your phone and seemed to get what you wanted. He took your phone out of your hands and you threw your arms around him.

    "Say cheese" he said and the both of you smiled wide.



    "This one has to be my favorite" you said pointing at a picture of you two sharing your first kiss with each other.


   Another scenario where your classmates took secretive pictures of you two was your first kiss. It was a cold day rather close to Christmas. You and Shouto were invited to Kaminaris Christmas party along with the rest of your class. The two of you were walking into his kitchen to get snacks and Kirishima came up behind you and stuck a mistletoe above yours and Shoutos head.

    "You two know the rules" he said, a smirk present on his face. And that was it, Shouto leaned in to kiss you. However you were both inexperienced and your teeth hit each other's. You pulled back embarrassed and scratched  the back of your head laughing lightly.


    You turned to the next page and a shocked expression came across Shoutos face. He pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of one of the slips in the book. He unfolded it, tears starting to fall down his cheeks. Normally he wouldn't dare let you see him cry but this was a little to much for him. He read the neatly written words on the paper. The first two were the same, 'hi :)'. It was the note from all those years ago, from highschool when you two were in the UA.

    "You kept this?" He asked you.

    "Of course I did, it was from the day I met the love of my life" you replied. When he heard those words come out of your mouth, he embraced you tightly whispering that he loved you over and over. Meeting this guy would definitely be the highlight of your life.

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