🌺Injury (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)

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    "Okay your training for this week will be to find a 'person' held captive, you will be put into groups of 4 and you must complete it within the day"

    Present mike explained the rules of your training for the day. You had been paired up with Bakugou, Momo, and Mineta. Mineta immediately started chasing Momo muttering something about 'squeezing breasts' at that moment you knew that Momo would be hiding and Mineta would be trying to find her so you wouldn't see much of them. That left only your hotheaded boyfriend in your group.

"Come on dude" you said grabbing his hand and pulling him so you could start the training. He stopped walking.

"The fuck did you just call me shit stain" he said referring to when you called him dude. Sighing you turned around and continued pulling him despite his struggles.


About an hour into your training it started to pour. Deciding training wasn't worth the risk of getting hurt the two of you decided to run back to the school. On the way however, you stepped in a hole in the ground and rolled your ankle, so much for no one getting hurt. You fell full force to the ground and let out a loud yelp. Katsuki turned around and with one look at you holding your ankle he picked you up bridal style and started running again. At some point in the run back the the school, the rain started coming down harder and Katsukis feet started to slip on the mud. You put your hand on his chest and told him that their best bet was to find cover. You knew of a small cave nearby and directed him to it.

When you got to the cave, Katsuki gently placed you on the ground then sat infront of you. His breathing was ragged from the run and you could tell he was tired. But none the less he started to untie the shoe on your bad ankle.

"Katsuki stop it's fine." You said almost pleading for him to stop and take a minute to catch his breath. He shook his head.

"(Y/N) just let me take care of you" he replied as he loosened your shoelace all the way before taking off your shoe and your sock. You winced as he pulled the soggy material off of your foot. He noticed your reaction "are you okay?" He asked. You nodded your head in response. You were flustered by the way he was acting toward you, he was usually mad, but right now he seemed almost caring. He grabbed the emergency bag that the teachers provided for them, the students were out in the woods alone so it was only for safety. He grabbed the instant cooling pack and shook it to make it cold, then he sat behind you and gently placed the pack on your swollen ankle. You turned around and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you" you said and he smiled. He kept the ice pack on for quite a while before he wrapped your ankle. The two of you decided to use your quirks to start a fire, your quirks working hand and hand, his being explosions while yours was fire. The fire lit up eventually and you and Katsuki leaned against the cave wall next to each other. "I love you" you said. He turned toward you and before you could say anything else his lips slammed against yours. Your lips molded with his almost effortlessly and eventually you were in a heated make out session. Maybe being stuck with the hot headed dimwit wasn't so bad after all.

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