🌺Sweet Dreams (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)

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Requested by YukoChiruka

"Katsuki! Can you go get me pickles and ice cream pretty please!" You begged. Katsuki looked over to where you were standing. A huge grin was spread across your face as you held your hands together in front of you as if you were praying. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and shook his head. This was your fourth request in the last half hour for pickles and ice cream.

    "(Y/n), for the last time it's 11:30 at night. I'm not going to go out and get you pickles and ice cream," he responded. When he finally glanced over at you he noticed there were tears, and snot running down your face and your shoulders were gently shaking. Katsuki threw his head back in annoyance and let out a massive sigh. However, as any good husband would do he stood up, grabbed your hand, and pulled you upstairs to the bathroom with him. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." You however had gotten the wrong idea and started to pull your hand away from his quickly.

    "Wait Katsuki, I'm not in the mood right now maybe la-" he cut you off by slapping his own face hard enough to leave a mark.

    "No (y/n) that's not what we're fucking doing," he spat causing you to once again let out vicious sobs. These mood swings were killing him. He automatically knew what to do because of the numerous times he had made the same mistake. He gently hugged you, not too tight because of the rapidly growing bump you called your stomach. He slowly rocked you back and forth, burring his face in your hair, and shushing you before he finally whispered "How about I get you pickles and ice cream tomorrow after I get home from work?" He asked much nicer, and much more gentle this time. Then once again, a huge grin spread across your face. You nodded your head rapidly, and then dug your face into his shoulder saying "I would like that a lot."

Katsuki led you to the bathroom once again, sat you on the toilet, wet a rag, and wiped your face clean of the snot and tears. When Katsuki finally finished cleaning your face, he led you to the bed you shared with him. He looked at you dead on, and narrowed his eyes teasingly. "Now (y/n) your going to get some sleep tonight right?" He asked almost pleadingly, but quickly wiped his expression off his have replacing it with a smirk before pushing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you. For the past couple of months, since the time you found out you were pregnant, you had been staying up really late and sleeping into the afternoon.

    You rolled your eyes and looked up at him "yes Dad" you said teasingly because of his parent like command.

    He smirked then muttered "good" before kissing you on the lips letting his lips stay on yours for longer than usual.

    Then he got up. You pouted.

     "Wait can you stay" You asked already knowing that he still had work to do. He looked at you apologetically. "Bitch," you muttered under you breath, but not quiet enough for the ash blond not to hear.

    Katsuki let out an obnoxious tsk' before tucking you in bed, kissing your forehead, muttering "goodnight brat I'll be back in a little," and finally leaving the room.

    Once he left, however, you jumped out of bed and started pacing the room. You weren't tired, not even a little bit especially without your husband to lull you to sleep "What to do, what to do." You let out a long, exaggerated sigh before falling back onto your bed in defeat letting sleep overcome you.

    Katsuki stayed true to his words and was in bed an hour after you went to sleep. When he walked into your room, he quickly noticed that you were sleeping and smiled lightly to himself. He creeped slowly over to where you were. You were laying on your side. Katsuki was soundless as he squatted down to the height of your stomach. "Hey little guy" Katsuki whispered. "Or if you are a guy that is" he continued laughing to himself. "I can't wait until you come. Mommy and I are going to take extra good care of you." He ended off his speech with a light kiss to your stomach before crawling into bed with you, and burying his head in your back. He would never let you see him talk to your stomach even though he's done it almost everyday since he found out that you were pregnant. However, his hopes of you never finding out about the conversations was crumbled the instant you muttered.

    "And how long exactly have you been doing that mister?" Katsuki could almost see the smirk forming on your face. He let out a low, breathy growl before cursing under his breath.

    Yep your pregnancy would definitely be the death of him

Hey everyone!! Long time no see and I'm sorry about that. However, hopefully Chai and I will be able to get back on schedule soon. We both play multiple sports and I don't know about her but I'm in all honors and AP classes so I've been loaded with school work for awhile. When I get back into the groove of writing, im probably going to start updating only once a week instead of two because of everything going on. Thanks for understanding!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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