goodnight sleep tight don't let the dead bite

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The bright orange of the setting sun created a golden hue around the charcoal buildings and a cloak of shadow covered the empty street.

In the distance, low groans and growls were the only things that filled the silence. As well as the rhythmic buzz of the flies dancing above the corpses, twirling and spinning in lazy patterns. The stench of death was thick, clawing the back of your throat and damaging your senses, but it seemed to die down as the last light of the day vanished.

You took out your flashlight, shaking it before giving it a few firm whacks to get it going until it finally flickered to life.

Up ahead finally you spotted the rusted red door of a safe room in the distance. Jogging over you hurriedly make your way inside. Slamming the door shut and bolting it. You collapse against it sliding down into a sitting position. Thank the muffins you found it, being out and about at night in a zombie apocalypse, not a good idea.

The chilling scream of a hunter broke the night air and seemed to emphasize this point.

Looking around the room you spotted a cot press up against the far back wall. Groaning you shakily got up and dragged yourself towards it.

"I'll cheek for supplies later right now all I want is sleep"

You thought, collapsing face first onto the pillow, as you drifted off into a deep sleep.

//////////////dream world ///////////

Soft pop music filled the background of the pickup truck as it sped down the road.

You leaned against the door looking out at the blurred scenery, Lost in thought.

"Hey kiddo you doing ok"

"Hum... yeah, dad, I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah...It's just all of this is a bit surreal.... I mean it's one thing to talk and joke about it but now that's it's actually happening I can't help but feel......

"Nervous, scared, anxious, excited, worried, terrified??"

"All of the above and more.....I keep thinking of the worst case scenario...I mean what if something happens" you felt your eye's water, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.

You couldn't think about what would happen if you lost him. You guys always had each other's backs ever since you could remember. true your relationship did have its flaws, but nothing's perfect and the thought of being alone in a zombie infested world made your stomach turn to cold custard.

"Hey don't worry everything's going to be fine. Besides, you've got the zombie expert with you"

He spoke giving you a reassuring grin, reaching out to give your shoulder a squeeze.

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere, it's going to take more than the end of the world to keep me down, "he said smiling broadly at you.

You gave a weak smile in return feeling a little better after your dad's words.

The truck was enveloped by a small silence.

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