the partner?

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Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, shit, shit, shiiiiiiitttt

Her white Eyes shifted to a deep crimson locking on to me. As I struggled furiously to get the door open. Slowly she began to rise from the ground splaying her long knife-like claws, caked in the old dried blood of her past victims.

"Oh god come on, come on, open up" I scream frantically throwing myself at the door, banging and kicking agents it, in a desperate attempt to get it open.

She charged at me screaming bloody murder, her long black blood stained claws ready and waiting to tear me to shreds.

I screwed my eyes shut.

"So this I how I die"

Suddenly the door swings open and a pale hand grabs the back of my collar, dragging me backwards into the darkness of the safe room.

///////normal 3 person P.O.V/////////

Falling back, you felt a sharp pain in your skull as it collides with the safe room floor.

Groaning lowly, the sound of the door being bolted brings your attention away from the pain in your head and you quickly sit up as you meet the face of your saviour.

The man turns to look down at you; his Sandy blond hair fell across a pair of rectangular lenses, the left lens of said glasses having a notable crack in the corner. He wore a blood splattered lab coat and a plain white dress shirt with a blue tie hanging loosely around his neck. Overall he seemed to be in his late twenties/maybe early thirties?

In his hands he was holding a shotgun with both barrels pointed straight at you.

You gulped as you looked down the darkened tunnel of the gun.

"Are you infected?"

You tore your gaze away from the shotgun and quickly shook your head.

"Not infected, I'm... N-ot... I'm not...I'm n-not inf-ected" you tried to catch your breath while simultaneously keep your voice from shaking as you stared down the man, the same man who now held your very life in his hands at this moment.

His icy blue eyes narrowed as he tried to decipher whether your words were true or not. Seemingly satisfied he lowered his gun.... for now at least.

You let out the breath you'd been holding as an eerie silence settled over the both of you.

He let out a low laugh, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry about that poppet, just making sure. I mean it's not every day you come across another living person. Not some mindless creature hell-bent on cracking your skull open and devouring the contests within, but you're not mindless are you poppet? Well maybe a little brain-damaged going off from the all the noise out there

(outside the sound of a very angry Witch screams and claws at the door creating a cacophony of notice and most of the common have also joined in as well, having had arrived moments after you were dragged into safety.)

Considering you thought it was a good idea to startle that witch...but hey what can you do.... Oh, but where are my manners here I am chattering away and I haven't even bothered to introduce myself my names Paul, poppet, and you are......?"

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