Lets go to the mall

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Slowly you begin to stir, groaning in annoyance as you try and bat away whatever was messing with you and your sleep.

"Come on (y/n) you've got to get up, we're supposed to leaving soon"

You groan finally managing to pry open an eye to meet the face of your new partner.

"Ah good, your awake come on up and atom we've got to get going if we're ever going to make it to the sanctuary."

You groggily vacated your sleeping bag. Rubbing away the remaining sleep from your eyes and stretched out your tired muscles Hearing a satisfying pop. It had been about a week since you had met Paul and you two were getting along great. you had quickly discover he was nothing more than a big sweet if not completely hopeless. As he was not only a constant chatterbox, he was also a grade A scaredy cat. He would often leap out of his skin at the slightest of sounds, making you wonder how on earth he had managed to survive this long. Although, his personality traits could be a bit of a handful at times, you still found yourself enjoying his company all the same.

It had taken about three days before the zombies had finally cleared out of the corridor and you both were finally able to escape the office building, and as for the rest of the week you and Paul had spent it being busy, running around and gathering supplies getting ready for the big trip. 

According to Paul while the base may have been close it was still a long way to go and you would likely have to cross a lot of countrysides to get there. so you had both decide it would be a good idea to gather up as much as you could as well as look for camping supplies as there was a good chance you'd have to ruff it out for a couple of nights.

"Right, now how about a bit of breakfast you have the option of tinned pineapple or tinned beans. now I know not the most normal of breakfasts but I'm afraid it's all we have at the moment"

"Pineapple please" you reached out making grabbing motion. Before being handed the can. Opening it up you begin to chow down, licking your fingers when you finished in hopes of getting rid of the sticky juice.

"Was that the last of our food?"

"Afraid so poppet unless you've got any more in that backpack of yours"

"Nope, oh well no biggie we'll just have to add it to the list of things we need to get before we go"

"Yeah, no problem" Paul replied looking a little uneasy.

////////::::time skip::::////////

You walk down the aisle, closely followed by a jittery Paul.

So Far you two had no luck at finding the supplies you needed for your journey, as every place you had gone to had already been stripped clean of anything useful.

"Oh come ON!"
You growled in frustration kicking a nearby empty can. This was the fifth store that you'd both had gone to and one again the shelves were completely barren.

"Ssshhh st st sshh st keep it down poppet we don't want to attract any attention" Paul panicky waved in an attempt to keep you quite as he darted around like a field mouse looking to see if your little outburst had drawn any attention.

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