we met one stormy night

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you jogged up the spiralling staircase weighed down by your wet clothes drenched heavy with rain and river water, leaving a little trail of puddles behind you. reaching the second floor you walked towards the only open door of apartment 2B. closing the door you slid down it curing up, you buried your face in your knees as salty tears slid down your cheeks.

just once, why couldn't have something gone right

just once

Why couldn't everything be alright

Just once

why do you have to lose everyone?

You stayed like that for what seemed like hours, until you finally found the strength to drag yourself back to your feet and walk towards the inky unknown of the darkened apartment.

the inside of apartment had to be one of the most 'normal' looking places you had been in so far.

The livening room was reasonable size with a corner couch in the centre facing towards the old box TV and an oval archway led into a small kitchen and dinette.

Shaking you made your way towards the corridor at the back hoping it would lead to the bedroom. You had to get out of these wet clothes as soon as possible.

The bedroom was dark and cold when you entered it, flicking the light switch even though part of you already knew it wouldn't work. A flash of lightning illuminated the room briefly, and you were able to make out the basic set up of the room. a single bed was press against the right-hand wall slightly under the window where you had the perfect view of the raging storm outside. at the foot of the bed, an old oak wardrobe stood and across from that was a matching chest of drawers. right next to the open doorway was another door which you guessed lead to an ensuite bathroom. shaking you started rummaging through the chest of drawers looking for something dry to wear as you were pretty sure everything you own had been thoroughly drenched. pulling out a pair of baggy tracksuit pants and an oversized top you walked into the bathroom and got changed.

meanwhile, as soon as you vanished into the bathroom. The bedroom window slowly began to slide upward.

You shivered re-entering the room as you did your best to try and towel dry your hair when you spotted the open window. The curtains fluttered in the breeze and you were nearly soaked again trying to shut if all the while wondering how it had gotten open in the first place.

A low growl vibrated through the room.

Terror shot straight throw your heart and you whirled around just as an immense force slammed into you.

It growled in triumph pinning you down as you struggled under its death grip.

Raising one clawed hand ready to deliver the killing blow.

A flash of lightning illuminated and the smug grin shifted to a look of terror before it quickly shook its head and went back to finishing the job. Another flash of lightning lit the room, followed by a low rumble of thunder, as if the weather itself was warning him to back off and that he did.

Barking in alarm he dived for the opened wardrobe and disappearing into the blackness, the door swinging back into place with the force. Meanwhile, you had gone into shock lying frozen on the ground as the storm raged on in the background. Finally, you rose leaning on your elbows wandering what on earth had just happened.

Another crackle of lightning followed by a shrill bark and a low whine confirmed that there was indeed a hunter in your wardrobe.


"who knew a hunter could have Astraphobia"

getting up you stood somewhat awkwardly as you try to figure out you're next move. you could try and find another opened apartment but you would probably end up breaking your neck trying to navigate your way through the darkness and It was way too dangerous to even try to go out and finding somewhere else to stay, no it was safe to say you were stuck.

sighing you gathered up the quilt and pillows, planning on sleeping in the living room after you made sure to firmly barricade the door when a sudden whine made you stop dead in your tracks. turning you cautiously approached the wardrobe. placing an ear against the wooden door you licenced to the frightened creature inside. another pained whine tugged at your heartstrings as a heavy pit of guilt sat in your stomach.

you shook your head taking a step back

"what the hell am I doing, I can't be feeling sorry for it! This is a fully grown killing machine who is more than willing to tear my guts out at a moment's notice, not some cute little puppy with a fear of thunder"

you turn to leave again but stopped

"but I can't just leave it there"

sighing for the millionth time you gently raised your hand knocking softly on the wooden panel

"this is probably the stupidest thing I have ever done"

you opened the door, darting in, somehow dragging the covers along too. the inside of the wardrobe was completely black however it was a lot more spaces then it appeared to be on the outside. a deep growl reminded you why you were in here in the first place.

"it's ok I'm not going to hurt you, there's nothing to be scared of I'm just here to help" you spoke in what you hoped was you softest voice, offering it the blanket as you did so

"here I figured you could use this to help muffle out the sound"

you hear snuffling sound before feeling the weight from your hand lift as it took the quilt

"well there's my good deed done for the day, now to get the hell out of here"

you pushed on the wood mindful not to make it creek as you quietly slipped out. suddenly there was another flash of lighting followed by a deep bark and a surprised yip from you, as two very strong arms wrapped around your waist dragging you back into the blackness.

you panicked struggling against the iron grip as you were forced the against the back wall. slowly you stopped your struggling realising that you weren't being attacked, instead, you were locked in an iron death grip hug being held by a shaking terrified hunter. who had is faced buried deep in your stomach, acting like a small child or puppy would when they needed comfort.

lifting a hand, you cautiously started to rub circles into his back being careful to avoid the hood, (you had a feeling he would not appreciate it being accidentally pulled down). the shaking lessened until eventually, it stopped altogether and his muscles turned to goop.

You both stayed like that for what seemed like hours completely calm and relaxed. Until something wet and slimy made you tense up again.

"What the hell is that!! Is he licking me!! Oh dear god he's licking me!! No, wait... I don't think that right then what is it!!!"

You stretch your mind analysing everything you knew about hunters looking for an explanation as to what was happening right now when a sudden memory entered your thoughts. When that first flash of lightning hit it light up the room well enough to give you a good look at your assailant hell this is how you saw he was a dude in the first place, but there was something else.

Slowly you reached out and pushed the wardrobe door making it swing back and offering you a little more light.

The hunter tightens its grip on your waist and a deep warning growl vibrated through its chest.

"It ok it ok I just need the light. Um hey could you look at me a sec"

It looks up at you with a questioning glare.

"Just as I thought"

Running across the bridge of his nose was a deep cut and every now and then it would spew out sticky black blood. Hell, it was amazing his nose hadn't fully fallen off yet.

Squirming a little you reached for your pocket, as the hunters growling audibly increased. finally, your fingers lock around what you were looking for and you pulled out a band-aid.

The growling stopped

"Hold still ok?" You ask pealing back the back before sticking firmly in place across the creatures face.

It lifted one paw feeling its face somewhat astonished then returning to back to his cold composer grunted in what you assumed was thanks before pressing his face back against your belly.

"so do you have a name?"

it huffed snapping as if to say ///"what do you think"////

you rolled your eyes "ok silly question, but I have to call you something soo how aboooouuut......


*he shook his head*


*another shake*


*he gave you a funny look*


*immediate growling*

ok ok hmm... then how about Ace?

*he paused thinking it over before burying his face back into your stomach with a nod*

hehe ok Ace it is then"

///////////////:: a/n::////////////

Hey, everyone, I hope you all like this new chapter I've been waiting an eternity to write it so enjoy. I also just what to say thank you all for the votes and comments it means so much to me that people like this story

Thaaaaannnnk yooou!!! :)

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