sickness p3

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Your eyes flickered open. Only for you to immediately screw them shut again, wincing at the frate train running through your skull. Your mouth felt like sandpaper and you were painfully aware of your stomach twisting itself into knots with hunger.

Shaking you tried to push yourself up onto your elbows, only for you to immediately be pushed back down again.

Ace growled a low warning, keeping one hand firmly on your chest to stop you from getting up. you shot the hunter a displeased look before giving up and stayed lying down. you were too tired to put up much of a fight anyway. oh well, at least it gave you a chance to study the hunter you had gotten to know over the last couple of days. while His hood did cast a dark shadow over most of his features but you could still make out some bits of his face. like his heart shaped jaw and slightly rounded cheeks. Mousy brown hair poked out from underneath the rim of the hood as he watched for your next move, a flash of intelligence still lingering through the glassy amber, of the now dead eyes.

You shifted under the weight of what had must have been at least 10 blankest accompanied with an arrangement of different garments which you silently hoped he had gotten from one of the local abandon stores.

he sniffed and you watched his nose crinkle and twitch as he continued to silently asses you.

you were pleased to see that the plaster was still stuck haphazardly across his nose and you couldn't help but be reminded of your first encounter, all those nights ago. overall he looked young, but not in the midst of his teenage years. no, If you had to guess you would say he had just entered his early 20's or maybe a late 19.

Satisfied that you wouldn't be getting up. he left into the against room and you soon hear a mixture of shuffling and clinking as he began searching for something. Checking to see that Ace was occupied. you quickly moved your pillow, allowing you to finally sit up and lean against the back wall.

Looking around, the place you had woken up in. it appeared to be your standard run of the mill janitors closet. A low watt bulb hung in the centre of the ceiling casting everything in a dimly lit glow. Various cleaning products were scattered across the shelves and an assortment of mops, brooms and buckets were sitting quietly in one corner. against one wall there was a rickety table with a few chairs, along with a few other comfort items scattered around here and there. no doubt meant, for when the janitor went on a break.

Still looking around the room you hear Ace re-enter and opened your mouth to ask where on earth you both where and how you had gotten here. when a spoon full of something horrible, was suddenly shoved down your throat. Choking you recoiled pulling away, while simultaneously trying to spit it out. Grabbing a hold of your chin, ace proceeded to shove the spoon further back into your throat. making you gag at the metallic taste scrapping against the back of your uvula. you struggled under his vice-like grip and tried desperately to keep yourself from vomiting. Until at last, you were able to deliver a sharp kick to his stomach knocking him back and you able to finally spit it out.

the spoon clattering on the ground, as you spent the next few minutes dry-heaving.

Panting you collapsed in exhaustion as a few lingering coughs escaping your mouth.

"That is not how you feed a sick person" you gasped.

He growled glaring daggers at you and you glared right back not caring that you might have just pissed off a very dangerous special infected.

grumpy he shoved a bottle of water into your chest, winding you slightly. Grabbing the bottle, you unscrewed the cap and quickly chugged the content, before forcing yourself to eventually slow down and take smaller sips.

"what the hell was that even suppose to be? it tasted like cold chicken"

Shoving the can under your nose you discovered that it was indeed chicken noodle soup, and it was ice cold.

"Ok first things first if this is to have any effect it needs to be warm. secondly, when feeding a person, you do not shove the entire contents down their throat! You do it gently. Your very lucky that I didn't throw up everywhere" you added exasperated, falling back against the pillow. Normally you wouldn't have cared whether it was hot or cold or even if it was past its expiration date, but it must have been the sickness talking because right now the very idea made your stomach turn.

He huffed feeling indignant that you hadn't responded to his help the way he thought you would.

"Sigh, ok look there's a hot plate over there, if you still want me to eat the soup please, at least heat it up first" you begged

Following your instructions, he placed the can onto the plate and sat back waiting for it to cook.

" mmm you're going to have to turn it on first"

///"i knew that"////

He growled looking lost until you calmly directed him to plug it in at the wall and flick the switch. A red glow encased the bottom of the can signalling that the machine had turned on. Smirking triumphantly at his achievement he shot you a look as if to say he knew what he was doing all along. You rolled your eyes at this before dissolving into a coughing fit.

Hacking your guts out Ace was quick to thumb you on the back. Handing you the water when your coughing subsided.

You muttered a weak thanks before eagerly drinking the liquid.

Silence settled back over the room as you finished the last of your drink.

"So, how long was I out?" You eventually asked still curious and in need of some answers.
He held up three claws

"Three hours?"
He shook his head
"THREE DAYS!" He nodded
You collapsed back against the pillow three days well at least that explains why you were feeling so hungry.

"So where are we then? This can't be somewhere in the sewers. can it?"

He shook his head fetching the soup from the hot plate.

"Ok so if we're not in the sewers then, where?"

He barked snapping and yapping out a reply, in a language that you didn't understand and you groaned.

"Ok, 20 questions it is. Are we in a building?"

He shook his head

" are a shop?"

Another no

"How about an apartment?"

He shook his head offering you a spoon of soup which you absentmindedly ate. Still trying to figure it out.

"Are we even above ground... at all?!?!"

He shook his head continuing to feed you the soup

"So we're not above ground. Which means we're still underground. But if we're not in the sewer then....... where......"

You wracked your brain for all the possible answers that involved being below ground.

" the subway station?" You asked unsure

He nodded and you smile, happy to know you had gotten it right.

Only then did you realise he had been feeding you all along as he offered you another spoon full. You felt your cheeks grow warm, as you suddenly realise how interesting that corner over there really was.

"You know I can feed myself," you said avoiding eye contact and out of the corner of your eye, you could've swore you saw the corner of his mouth curl up into a smirk as he handed you the can and spoon. Going to sit against the back wall while he watched you eat.

A pleasant silence soon settled itself over the two of you again while you finished eating the last of the soup.

Humming in content, you scraped the last of the soup out of the can before placing it off to the side, Sinking down further into the fluffy pillow as your eyes grew heavy.

Until they finally slid shut.

He shook his head taking the can away so you wouldn't accidentally knock it over in your sleep, before gently laying you down into a more comfortable position.

Walking to the other side of the room Ace circled a spot a few times before sitting down leaning heavily against the back wall fully intent on catching some sleep of his own.

Less than 5 minutes had gone by when you started to fidget. Tugging and pushing at the blankets, you tossed and turned, quietly whining, trapped within a fevered sleep.

Ace turned over trying to block out your annoying movements. Turning over again he curled further up into a ball putting his hands over his ears.
until he couldn't take it anymore and snapped up glaring daggers at you.

grumbling under his breath He got up and placed a hand on your forehead as you subconsciously leaned into his touch.

You were burning up.

Pulling off some of the many layers he went back to his spot figuring that would sort the problem.

It didn't and He silently groaned upon realizing what he was going to have to do.

Why did you have to be so difficult?

Being careful not to jostle you too much he slipped under the covers, before carefully sliding one arm under your head and wrapping the other around your waist. He froze as you suddenly rolled over and snuggled deeper into his hoodie, clinging to him like a little spider monkey. He relaxed and slowly started stroking his talons through your hair, as you finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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