eyes in the dark

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Ace watched the gradual rise and fall of your chest. Listening to the soft breathing coming from your sleeping form. He gave you a half squeeze enjoying the warmth radiating off of you. Silently hating that he was going to have to leave you in a bit.

///"Wait what!?!"////

He shook himself, No he didn't hate that he was going to have to leave. No, he didn't enjoy cuddling you like this. No, he didn't like the fact that you were warm and smelt nice. This was just to keep you quiet and help get your fever down so you could get better.

He tried to shake these mushy feeling from his mind as you hugged him closer in your sleep.

.....then again maybe he could get used to this.

He purred taking in a deep breath of your hair, he really should go. he needed to find some more food for you, not to mention medicine. Gently removing his arm from under your head, he stretched out like a cat, popping his spine as he got up. Cheeking you over one last time, he made sure you were comfortable. before quietly slipping out and into the abandoned subway station.


The pair of blood red eyes watched him go. Silently stewing at the intruder who had dared to enter his territory.

Slinking towards the janitors closet he planned his ambush. hoping to catch the invader off guard when he returned to his nest.

Pushing open the door the mysterious figure slunk in, sniffing around the area.

He startled, surprised when the pile of blankets suddenly moved. Upon closer inspection, he was even more surprised to find the sleeping form of a girl. A very alive, a very not dead, human girl.

////" what's that intruder doing with this female"//// he thought to himself confused. In his experience survivors were food. She was prey. so why wasn't she dead?

He gave an experimental sniff breathing in her pleasant scent. Tainted by sickness and the smell of the other hunter.

She murmured rolling over in her sleep and grab onto him in the process. He wriggled silently panicking, trying to squirm out of her grip as she pulled him closer, mumbling in her sleep.

He froze watching as her eyes flickered open for a brief second before sliding shut once again. He didn't dare move a muscle. laying frozen stiff, as she cuddled closer to his rigid body. His mind swirled in a chaotic whirlwind of thoughts as he tried to figure out how to escape her hold....

....She smelt nice.

And he soon found himself relaxing in her arms and just like that all prospects of his sneak attack flew out of the window.

A light purr rumbled through his chest as he snuggled closer.

Just then there was a loud clatter followed by agitated growing.

////"uh oh"////

He started squirming again desperate to get out of the hold and hide before the intruder came back.


Ace muttered a series of curses under his breath, kicking the door close as he placed the tattered bag of goodies onto the table.

He sniffed something was off.

But he brushed it aside when he saw that you were starting to wake up.

You woke up feeling groggy and in desperate need of a drink.

Noticing your favourite hunter you asked him in a scratchy voice whether there was any more water.

Not really focusing he handed you the water. Looking around the room he analysed his surroundings staring at every crook and crack until his gaze finally settled on the door leading to the other part of the closet. You followed his gaze wandering what he was staring at. When without a sound he suddenly slunk towards the door. Press against the wall he paused listening. Then out of nowhere he suddenly ripped the door open nearly tearing off of its hinges.

And out came toppling onto the floor with a less than dignified thud another hunter.

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