cuddling headcanons

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- he acts like he hates it
-news flash he doesn't and it's painfully obvious to everyone around. though he still tries to deny how he truly feels.
- in reality, he really likes having you close and will wrap around you. Holding on tight until breathing becomes something of an issue.
- whenever you're alone and in close proximity he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you to his side.
- you always feel well protected whenever you cuddle ace
-you will have to beg him to cuddle though

- takes him a while to find a good position and will end up moving and squirming around a lot before he finally gets comfortable
-lots of nuzzling
-purrs like a motor (especially when being petted)

- loves sneak attacks, so one minute you're just be minding your own business the next you're a pair of arms suddenly wrap around your waist as your pounced on from behind and dragged into an impromptu cuddle session on the floor.

- often you will go to bed alone only to wake up the next day and find yourself trapped under his weight or locked in his embrace

- he really loves using your lap as a pillow as it increases his chances of getting pets

- sometimes his insecurity's get the better of him and in these times he needs to be held and reassured

- isn't as demanding about cuddle time as Jackie.
- but will still tug on your jacket, pull on your sleeve or nudge you to indicate that he wants some cuddles.
-if either one of you is particularly stressed or upset, then he'll just come, pick you up and take you away for some much needed cuddle time.

-be warned He snores pretty loudly.
- likes it when you sleep on top of him, resting your head on his chest.

- also likes to play with your hair during cuddles 

- doesn't cuddle much because he has boundless energy and is always on the go, but when he does take a moment to slow down and stop, he's Extremely clingy
-Likes to be as close to you as possible. So make sure to wear extra layers. As he will often try to crawl inside your shirt.

- just like skelly, there will be a lot of nuzzling accompanied by some licking 

-His favourite position is to lay with his head on your stomach and his arms curled around you
- careful though because if he falls asleep then he will start twitching and there is a good chance that you'll end up getting accidentally kicked.

- As mentioned before this boy loves his catnaps and you can bet that he always wants you as a cuddle buddy.

- doesn't matter if you're in the middle of something he just picks you up and carries you off.

-or if you're already sitting on the couch or in bed he will then just collapse on top of you. (Often crushing you in the process)

-Purr's even louder than skelly

- Likes being the bigger spoon so he can bury his face into the crook of your neck enjoying your sent and the feeling of your pulse.

- will place one hand under your shirt on your stomach and will sometimes end up rubbing circles on your hip. This is probably one of the only times he won't try anything. As he appreciates just being able to feel your skin and the fact that you trust him enough to let him be this close

-in short your pretty much the equivalent of his own personal teddy bear.

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