sickness p2

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Dodging a decomposing skeleton, you pressed forward, quietly limping down the derelict street. It had been a few days since you had left the apartment and you were still no closer to finding an exit. You had been wandering through the city on the constant look out for any information you could use, searching stores, sleeping ruff and to top it off Your sickness had gradually been getting worst. It had actually gotten to the point where you look so bad and felt so awful, you could have probably pass for one of the infected.

scanning the area, you tried to ignore the constant throbbing inside of your skull and the wet dribble streaming down from your nose. Instead looking around in a haze as you tried to get a better sense of your surroundings; looking for any clues to tell you where you are or where you could possibly find an exit, or at the very least some supplies.

Ducking into a nearby alleyway you waited for the sound of hacking to pass by. You had dealt with enough smokers in the last few weeks to last you a lifetime. Whipping your nose for the millionth time you headed deeper into the ally hoping that you wouldn't run into any nastier surprises.

As you hobbled around a corner you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Ever since you had left the apartment building. you swore you could feel a pair of eyes boring into you, watching your every move. but whenever you turned to look there was nothing there (except for a few decomposing corpses or the occasional crow). You tried to ignore your growing paranoia as you climbed over a fallen dumpster. Turning another corner, you spotted the exit of the alleyway, leading out into the next street. You lipped forward and were just about to step out into the light. when you happened to take a small side glance to your left and looked down the street. Your eyes turned to saucer's as you snapped yourself back leaning heavily against the brick wall.

Congregating a few feet away was a large group of common infected. just meandering around the street, bumping into each other or snapping at the occasional fly buzzing around their head. Just waiting for any signs of a new survivor.

You held your breath, one wrong move and they'd be on you in seconds. Breathing deeply you began to tiptoe back the way you came. prying that they wouldn't hear you.

Then without warning your nose started to tickle. you crinkled it and wriggling it in discomfort. But you could feel the tickling sensation getting worst and against your will, you began drawing in deep breathes of air.

You clamped a hand to your face in an attempt to stop what was happening, or a lest muffle the sound. Slowly The tickling subsided and you let your hand drop with a sigh of relief.

Then you sneeze.

A gigantic sneeze that sent you toppling back and nearly onto your ass. it bonce, echoing off of the walls. ringing with the full force of a gunshot.

you held your breath for a solid second, praying to whatever god that they hadn't heard it.

The silence was shattered as screaming soon filled the air letting you know that they had, in fact, heard you and were now making a beeline towards your location.

Darting out of the ally you tore down the open street, the hoard following close behind.

////"what is that idiot doing"////

Ace growled in disapproval. he had been watching you for a good part of the day and it was clear to anyone with eyes in their skull that you shouldn't be walking around, let alone trying to outrun a hoard. He dragged one hand down his face; in complete awe of your stupidity. before leaping off of the building and in hot pursuit of the growing hoard. Growling at the fact, that he was going to have to be the one to save your scrawny ass from an instant death.


Meanwhile, you were struggling. every muscle in your body was burning and you were having trouble breathing as a stitch formed in your side. the sharp throbbing in your ankle was starting to become unbearable, constantly reminded you of your current injury. You knew you didn't have long before your leg would give out. Your eyes darted about looking for somewhere to go, anywhere you could hide.

You cried out, falling hard onto the ground as you tripped up. tears burned in your eye's as your entire body recoiled in pain.

You barely had time to turn and kick away an oncoming infected.

It stumbled back a few steps. recovering quickly, it opened its broken mouth in a gurgling roar. ready to bite down onto your soft flesh.

Crawling Back you struggled to stand as the zombie got closer, gnashing its teeth at thought of the meal to come.

Hot tears started streaming down your face as you gasped sobbing for air. It all felt too unrealistic like you were caught in some sick twisted nightmare. One that always ended the same way; no matter how hard you ran, no matter how hard you fought, the monster never stopped coming and would always get you in the end.

"So this is it this is how I die" you screwed your eyes closed waiting for the teeth.

A blood chilling scream tore through the air and you opened your eyes in surprise. Standing over the mutilated corpse was the familiar navy blue of a hunter. Oh great just when your day couldn't get any more terrible.

Wait a second you knew this hunter.

"Ace?" You asked bewildered

/////"well who else did you expect the flipping tooth fairy"//// he snarled snapping at you before shredding another common.

Picking you up Ace placed you onto the roof of a nearby car to keep you out of harm's way. He gave you a quick once-over before diving into the fray.

Blood and guts flew through the like confetti as the ground became piled high with corpse's and You watch in horrified awe as Ace sliced and clawed his way through the hoard as if they were made out of nothing but paper.

Another zombie came snapping at your feet, gurgling words of carnage, as it swiped at your legs. You kicked it hard in the jaw with your one good leg. crushing its skull in, as the next one quickly took its place.

Ace roared as he tackled another common to the ground tearing its chest open, wild with a primitive bloodlust.

But even though Ace was fighting like a deranged bobcat. it was still a fruitless battle.

more and more infected kept coming, flooding down the road in massive waves and For even one that fell, another two would soon replace it. after another close encounter involving you and Ace decided it was time to abandoned the fight.

You squeaked in surprise as Ace suddenly grabbed ahold of your middle, dragging you down from the car.

Looping an arm under your legs he pressed you close to his chest, carrying you bridal style. As he took off running down the road, with the hoard in hot pursuit.

You gripped the bloodstained fabric of his hoodie, bumping up and down with the force of every step he took.

glancing over his shoulder, you gasped in horror.

they were catching up.

You yelped as Ace suddenly skidded to the right. altering his direction, he ran down a different street. Spotting the manhole up ahead, you quickly caught onto his idea just at the precise moment he leapt, diving down into the black pit below.

You stomach lurched as you fell screaming down the hole. coming to an abrupt stop just as suddenly, hanging a few feet down.

with terrified fingers You reached up and grabbed the grate pushing it back over the manhole, straining with the effort until it finally slid back into place.

An awful sound of scrapping and screaming could be heard from above and you could only imagine the thousands of gnarled broken fingers tearing at it, but the metal cover held fast. Panting in relief you collapse against the soft fabric. still clinging on for dear life as you waited for the previous terror to subside. Ace still had a firm hold around your middle. while he clung to the metal bars of the ladder, using one foot to prop himself against the wall of the brick tube. Below You could faintly hear the steady drip, drip, drip and rushing water, of the sewer tunnels.

"Thank you" you chocked out before fainting dead away.

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