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It had been a few days since the fight in the janitor's closest and you were finally feeling better and were ready to venture on. Despite Ace's protests and warning growls. So to keep the hunter happy you agreed to spend one final night in the train before starting your journey in the morning. During your confinement to the train cart, you had spent the time busily strategizing and preparing, more determined than ever to escape this place. It was safe to say that by now Paul was long gone. and any hope of catching up to him had long since flown out of the window. But that was one of the first things you had to learn in this new world "always keep moving".

Unfortunately for you, this meant you had to find a way to get to the sanctuary yourself. You remember Paul mentioning that it was somewhere north from here and at least that was something to go on....

You hoped he was doing ok.

You checked the straps on your bag one last time before slipping it onto your shoulders.

Throughout your planning ace had managed to secure a few maps of the surrounding area and after a few games of charades, you had managed to discover that while Ace didn't know all of the city he knew enough to find the right path to get the hell outta here.

surprisingly you had also been receiving visits from the other hunter.

Whenever ace went out on a scavenging trip. The walking horror show you had decided to nickname skelly, would make his appearance. Immediately cuddling up to you like some demented moggie.

He had even brought you a couple of snacks on a few occasions.

You suspected Ace knew about skelly's reoccurring visits. As you had later found out upon his return that the backpack wasn't from him as you had originally thought, but instead had come from skelly.

The moment he returned, you could tell he knew something had happened.

thoroughly sniffing the air, he had slipped back out of the window again. his talons clicking as he circled around the cart before finally returning. pulling you close to his side as he glared at the offending darkness.

And over the course of the next few days, he seemed to get really huffy and would spend the rest of the evening hovering over you, bristling and hissing at the slightest sound while making sure to stay close to your side.

You had even heard a few fights off in the distance but whatever this was ace and skelly or just some other random infected you couldn't tell. However, judging by the fresh claw marks and torn clothing you had your suppositions.

"Right you ready to set off" you chirped bouncing on the balls of your feet. watching as Ace stretched and yawned like a lazy cat before getting up and heading down the length of the train. Trotting after him you were careful when climbing out of the cart not wanting to injury your already week ankle again.
"So which way, we headed?"

He nodded in a general direction and soon you were both on your way.

//////:::: le time skip:::://////

You had been walking for what felt like hours and it seemed like you were still no closer to getting out of the tunnels.

To make matters worse the darkness was starting to get to you. There was almost no light and no sound down here, and to make your paranoia worse you could have sworn there was someone or something watching you.

You did have the small novelty key chain light ace had found for you a few days prior. Not that it was much help it was one of those pathetic ones were you had to constantly press down on the button and even then the light would occasionally start to strobe like there was a non-stop party.
So you kept it off for the most part. using only the sound if aces footsteps to guide your way and relying on the light only when you needed to.

Every now and then you could of sworn that you saw a flash of red from within the dark. You dismissed it every time though figuring that it was just your mind play tricks.

There was suddenly a loud clatter followed by a sound of something you could not guess.

You both froze.

There was a shuffling as whatever it was got up and sorted itself as suddenly the very same red, the red that you had convinced yourself didn't exist, appeared again.

Growling like a jungle cat ace you watched as the hackles on aces back stand up, suddenly realising a hellish war cry as he launched himself forward.

Growling and barking soon filled the tunnel as a fight broke out.

Fumbling for the light you pressed down hard on the button But it had decided that it had had enough of working and started flickering on and off. Making near next to impossible to see what was happening.

Through the random bursts of light, you were able to make out the two figures as they fought and clawed and bit savagely.

Another flash of light finally able you to see long enough to Recognize the familiar bone print of the second hunter and just like that any previous fear vanished as it was replaced by surprise, then annoyance and then anger.

You were honestly sick of this. Every frinken time! Just when you started to make a little progress something would just come along and the next thing you knew you'd be stuck on your ass whittling the hours away while you waited to get over some illness or injury or other form of delay. well, not this time!

Something in you just snapped.

And you were finally going to put an end to this one and for all.


You quickly got between the two

"That is enough you two. Look I get that neither of you like each other but if you want to continue hang around me then you are going to have to at least try to be civil. Otherwise, I will leave you both, right here, right now."

you glared at the two before finally turning on your heel marching off into the tunnel as both hunters watched you go in astonished silence.

Grumpy ace gave one final disapproving look at skelly. Moving to follow he paused and turned to look over his shoulder,

///"you coming?"////

Shaking off his shock skelly lit up quickly running after ace and falling into a trot beside him.

////"told you she liked me"//// he grinned.


Hi everyone I know it's been a while,

And I just wanted to apologise for that. I'm sorry for not writing as frequently as I should have (these last few months I've had little to no free time) in truth I've been having a little difficulty with writing this phase of the story, as I'm having a little trouble with finding the motivation and thinking about what I want to do and which way I want/need to take the story as I don't want to move onto the next part just yet without making sure I've fully fulfilled this current phase and I also don't want to end up writing garbage for the sake of writing garbage. But rest assured I am still continuing with this, it's just, unfortunately, going to take a lot of time.

And finally, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who is still bothering to keep reading and I hope you're still enjoying it I'll try and not leave it as long as I did for this update. Till next time :) bye 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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