a day at the office

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You woke up an hour later after treating yourself to a lie in. Searching thorough the safe room only to find it was a total bust. The only things you were able to salvage were a few tins and some pills.

"I've gotta find some more food, these tins won't even last me a week." you thought

Packing up your gear you got ready to go.

////YOUR P.O.V/////

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door, pushing it open. Looking around I don't see any immediate danger but that doesn't mean there isn't any. Keeping on high alert I start walking down the street.

Okay if I keep heading in this direction and if I'm lucky maybe I'll come across a Store or something.

"Piece of cake"

/////time skip//////

Ok not a piece of cake

I ran from the horde of infected. There scream growing louder as I will myself to go faster.


I wouldn't be in this mess if that stupid zombie hadn't tripped falling onto the car bonnet, alerting the entire street and just as I had almost made it past.

I cursed the inventor of car alarms for putting me in this situation, taking a sharp left in an attempt to throw them off.

I ran up a small flight of stone steps standing in front of an office building and with the few precious second I had, my head wiped around in every direction looking for an escape.

Only to find there was none, my only hope was to try inside the office building that stood looming over me and pray that I lose them in there.

Pushing the roving door I stumbled into the desolate lobby, diamond shards of glass littered the once white marble floor, which was now smeared with blood.

Looking around I could only imagine what this place was meant to look like before the infection. The designers had obviously been going for a professional, clean, modern look but now that modern design just made this place just felt cold and isolating. The snarls of the undead snapped me out of my thoughts and I turn to see the horde trying their best to pass the revolving door cramming themselves together only to get stuck in a tangled mass of undead limbs, in an eager attempt to get me.

"Ok well, I'll take that as my cue to leave."

Crunching my way through the lobby I headed for the nearest stair well, hopeful that I can find a place to hide till things calm down.

Taking the stairs two at a time I run as fast as I can. The sound of a few common infected hot on my tail pushed me to go faster.

Suddenly my feet are dragged out from under me sending me crashing down onto the jagged steps. As something starts dragging me back down towards certain doom.

Looking over I see the long slimy pink tongue of a smoker coiled around my leg. I claw at the steps fumbling for my (f/m/w). As I try desperately to keep as much distance between us but I can feel my stomach sinking as I'm being dragged closer.....

And closer.....

And closer.....

Finally, I managed to grab hold of (f/m/w) bringing down with a sharp thunk. Releasing me from its grip as it scream's in pained rage at having been cheated out of its meal.

Picking myself up I continue to race on up the stairs, terrified at the precious seconds I've lost while I was dealing with the smoker.

The horde is sounding a lot closer now, making heart slam agents my ribs and my breath quicken, in desperate pants.

I ran a little faster.

Skidding into a corner I spotted the familiar black spray painted symbol letting me know there is a safe room up ahead. Heaving a huge sigh of relief I hurled my body at the double doors.

Rushing down the beige corridor, I enter the white walled labyrinth of cubicle's darting left and right as I followed the markings towards the safe room. The noise of the infected died down as they struggled to keep up with the twists and turns I was taking and a spark of hope filled me as I left the vast maze of cubicles and I realised with a cocky grin that I wasn't gonna die today.

That feeling die immediately after it had come when all of a sudden I heard a noise that made my blood turn to ice.

The overhead light flickered illuminating the corridor for a brief second. Revealing the bone white figure, survivors know as the witch. Her loud sobbing echoing through the corridor, as she sat there rocking back and forth. Her face berried into her long clawed hands. To make matters worse she was in the way of the only entrance to the safe room.

Oh great the last thing I needed was to piss off a witch this day just keeps getting better and better.

The lights flicker back on momentarily and I manage to catch a glimpse of a photo copier press up agenda the wall.

"Huh if I can climb into the copier then I could probably use it to sneak past the Witch".

"It's a risky move but what choice do I have".

Taking a deep breath I quietly tip toe down the corridor.

I held my breath as I carefully claim on top of the photo copier. Keeping a close eye on the witch, I start to shuffle to the other side.

As I looked at her I kinda can't help but feel sorry for her. I mean she was once just another woman, with a family, friends, a steady career judging by remains of her outfit and hell...

Maybe even a boyfriend? But now that life was gone. taken away by the infection, leavening only the bittersweet memories behind.

"Man, no wonder witches cry".

Shaking these depressing thoughts from my mind I focused back on the task at hand. Slowly I placed one shaky foot on the ground, shifting my weight I move off of the copier.

Looking back to see the witch still sobbing, I let out the breath I'd been holding moving closer to the door reaching out to open it.

Well that could have been a lot worst

I pushed the door it didn't open. I tried again, it still wouldn't open.

Ok, now I was beginning to panic.

Bashing my shoulder agents it the door still refused to budge.


I quietly groaned banged my head agents the door. Suddenly I became very aware of how quiet it had gotten, turning my head away from the door my (e/c) met the glossy pearl gaze of the Witch.

"Oh shit"

(Y/n) startled the Witch



Greetings and salutations

I'm glad that people are the taking the time to read my story and i hope that everyone is enjoying it. Anyway just wanted to apologise for the long update I've been busy working an assortment of different projects. Any just wanted to say thanks and sorry if there are any mistakes

Anyway later mon amigo's :)

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