Halloween special p3- movie night

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Happy Halloween everyone hope you are all having a good time. Boy, this year has really crept up on me, anyway I hope you all enjoy this sorry if it's a little rushed and if there are any mistakes. Happy holiday and thank you for reading. :)

Yawning you made your way towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. When you heard a muffled sound coming from the living room, making your way down the corridor you saw a pale blue light cast a faint glow on the surrounding walls. Peeking in you couldn't help but smile. There on the couch silhouetted against the light was Ace fixed to the television screen as a small smile played on his face. Grinning you quickly tiptoed pass towards the kitchen, As the movie "the corpse bride" continued to play on screen.

You were in the kitchen fixing yourself a quick snack, bobbing along to the beat of a familiar tune. Wait since when had there been music? A clawed hand tapped your shoulder. Turning around you were greeted by the outstretched hand of skelly. Curious as to where this was going you placed your own hand into his only to be yanked forward and into a dance.

Your giggles filled the kitchen as you were spun and twirled around the kitchen is what you could only describe as a wild waltz/swing Frankenstein mash up. looking through the doorway you caught sight if the beginning part of "the nightmare before Christmas" playing on the screen of the TV. You wonder how he managed to get it to play in the first place when you were suddenly dipped. You clung to his arm slight worried that he might accidentally drop you. Skelly looked down Eye lidded as he began to close the gap between you. Subconsciously you leaned forward expecting a kiss. when instead he ran his tongue across your cheek before promptly dropping you and the floor. Dazed you rubbed the saliva off of your face as wild laughter rang through the house.

Guess this'll teach you to take the whole trick or treat spiel more seriously.

Your honesty not sure how you ended up like this not that you were complaining of course. In fact, you were rather enjoying yourself. Absent absentmindedly chewing on a twizzler you had picked up from the candy pile. Snuggled you against major as the two of you watched corny horror films. Casting a glance up you smiled watching as major try and fail to suppress his laughter as another over the top and idiotic thing happened on screen. No, you weren't complaining at all.

Popping the DvD into the player you made your way back to the couch where you were immediately grabbed as wolf began to snuggle up against you purring all the while. Throughout the week wolf had been bothering you to watch a horror film. popping up at every given moment with any kind of horror film he could get his paws on ranging from si-fi to slashers to sociological. Until you finally caved and agreed to watch with him. So here you were sprawled out on the couch engrossed in what was happening on the screen. admittedly it was something you had seen before so you weren't finding it overly scary but you still enjoying watching as the story played out. Wolf, on the other hand, wasn't doing so well, you could tell by the violent shaking and the fact that your arm was about to lose its circulation, as his claws dug deeper into your skin. It was after a particularly nasty jump scare you decided it would be better to watch something where you didn't run the risk of your arm being snapped in two and your rib's cracked to pieces as the life was squeezed out of you.

You squeezed the pillow even tighter into your chest. Your eyes wide with fear as you peeked out from behind the cushion. The pack had gone out for the evening leaving you alone and board in a house with nothing to do. So decided to kill some time by watching a film. You flinch at the sudden unexpected jump scare, listening to tell tail terrified screams and ripping flesh coming for the tv as you berried your face back into the pillow. You would think living life in the apocalypse would make you immune to this sort of stuff by now.

What was that?

Grabbing the remote pausing the film as you listened for the sound that was already gone.

Shrugging it off you hesitantly press the play button turning back to the screen to continue watching the film.

The screen was almost pitch black and you struggled to make out the main character. there was something there lurking in the shadows, hiding in the screen. Creeping closer and closer towards the girl until suddenly....


You scream catapulting yourself off of the couch and away from the shrieking shadow monster that was about to grab you and tear the flesh from your bone.

Dark cackling filled the air as you shook panting on the floor.

Jackie clutched his sides bellowing with laughter. If he still had tear dukes no doubt he would be crying with laughter right now. He had come home a little earlier than the rest of the pack as seeing you alone in the dark scared out of your mind, well he just couldn't resist.
You, on the other hand, weren't so happy and your terror quickly disappeared as it was replaced with white-hot anger.

You grabbed the nearest object (which happened to be a through pillow) and hurled it at him screaming


He dodged laughing harder as you proceeded to get up ready to storm out and retreat to tend to your broken pride, but before you could shove pass he grabbed your wrist pulling you against his chest as he collapsed back onto of the sofa.

You struggled, kicking and squirming, until finally giving up lining back down and accepting defeat all the while Jackie continues to chuckle.

"I hate you"

He purred happily running his claws through your hair as he continued to pet your head.

All together
Popping the DVD into the tray you pressed the button, watching it slide back into the machine before retreating to the couch.
The pack quickly stopped their quibbling, as Jackie and skelly called a momentary truce on the popcorn war they had been having. even though so many countless souls had already been lost.... that was going to be a pain to clean up later. settling down in their respective spots as you sat in-between major and skel. Wolf fidgeted eager for the film to star after having calmed a spot on the floor by your feet. Ace sat off to the side sitting in the only armchair and already looking done for the evening, while the rest of the pack and yourself had claimed spots on the couch. Jackie whined pouting at the fact you chose to sit next to major instead of him and while you could deal with his wandering hands, you honestly really didn't think you could handle it if he and skel decided to team up halfway through the film. Wolf whined tugging on your leg ready for the movie to start and major briefly go up to kill the lights. Hitting the play, you took the bowl of popcorn even though the bowl was pretty much empty and settled down as the film began to play. 

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