sickness p1

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swallowing the last bits of your disgusting breakfast. You gagged at the gross texture, yet somehow managed to choke it down anyway. Only for your stomach to immediately voice it's disagreement and want to bring it back up again.

Leaning agents the kitchen table you grunted, adjusting the position of your ankle on the stool. hoping to find some relief from the pain you were in.

Another sneeze wracked through your body, jolting you forward and dangerously close to smacking the table.

wiping the excess slime onto your sleeve. you tried to think of a plan.

It was blindingly obvious that you needed to get moving if you had any chance to catch up with Paul.

you felt your heart sink at the thought of being isolated again.

You couldn't.
No wouldn't,

go back to facing that crushing silence, you had endured for all those mouths without him. unless of course, your mysterious dream hunter decided to pop up again.

"What was it I call him again... ace?"

You shook those thoughts away and instead opted to work on patching up your swollen ankle.

applying some sort of salve, you had found in one of the overhead cupboards in the kitchen. you wrapped the injury as best you could. gently testing it to see if it could support your weight. When you found that you didn't collapse right away and all you felt was some minor discomfort. you decide it would be best to be on your way.

But where would you go?

you sat down heavily and tried again to work out the one major flaw in your plan.

"Face it, my one exist had been destroyed and I have no idea where the heck I even am."
You slumped in your seat feeling dejected. Until another sneeze sent you jolting forward again and you groaned in discomfort.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I stayed put for a few days"


You banged your fist agents the table shaking the thought away. staying here any longer was out of the question. you had to catch up to Paul, You had to get to the sanctuary.

not to mention, your supplies were already running dangerously low and it was likely that you were going to need more medical stuff for your ankle.

And besides, it was just a small sniffle if you're lucky it would be gone by the end of the day.

Now, where around here could you find a map?

/////::: A/n:::::////

Hi everyone :)

First off thank you!!!!!!!

Thank you all!!!

Thank you, everyone, how has been kind enough to stop and read, post comments and vote it really means a lot to me that people like my writing.
So thank you!

I also want to apologise for this chapter. I don't think it's the best but I've re-wrote it a thousand times already and if I keep doing so, I don't think I'll end up progressing in the story anymore and you all have been so patient already.

(P.s sorry if there are any mistakes)

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