Liberty City Anime Con 2017

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This was the first con I ever went to! It was really cool. I cosplayer as Tsukimi Kurashita from Princess Jellyfish. At first it was kinda boring, but then the voice actors arrived and it was so cool! I met Chuck Huber who is the English voice actor for Austria from Hetalia, Kuro from Servamp, and a few other that I forget. I asked him to sign a print of Austria and the first thing he said was, in Austria's voice was, "tell Prussia to stop invading my vital regions"

Omg lemme just tell you i regret not wearing my Nyo! Prussia cosplay today cause that would've been funny. Anyways, the picture in the media is the two of us (he takes really bad pics)

I also met Todd Haberkorn and got him to sign a drawing I did of some of the characters he dubs!!

I also met Todd Haberkorn and got him to sign a drawing I did of some of the characters he dubs!!

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Sorry that is isn't an update!!!

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