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"Shit, shit, shit." I mumbled, holding the plastic stick in my hands.
It was positive. A knock on the bathroom door interrupted my train of thought.

"Em, you gotta come out sooner or later." Violet reminded me. I need to tell Justin. I open the door and run into my closet, picking out something better to wear. "Where are you going?"

"I need to tell Justin."

"What about Jeff?"

"Justin is my family, family is forever. Jeff could walk away or do whatever. I just need Justin to be supportive."

"That's weird, he's your brother, why wouldn't he be supportive?"

"Because I'm his sister. His job was to protect me, he might think he failed."

"Em, you have to tell Jeff." I heard the door close and keys drop on my dresser.

"Tell me what?" Fuck. Violet needs to lower her voice.

"I'm...getting dinner for us tonight, from your favorite place. Violet thought I should tell you instead of surprising you." I am a horrible liar.

"Oh that's awesome babe. Thank you." Jeff placed a kiss to my temple, pulling me into his side.

"Hey, I'm gonna freshen up and head to Bryce's. Justin needs my help. He wants to ask Jess to prom but he doesn't know how."

Jeff smiles. That god damn smile that got us here. "Oh, are you sure you're feeling up to it?" I nod.

"I haven't thrown up in 6 hours. I think I'm good."

"Just be careful, please come back if you don't feel good."

"I will, I promise." I take the chocolate from the bag and head into the bathroom, adding a coat of mascara to my lashes, sticking the test in one of my old pocketbooks I don't use.

I say quick goodbyes as I head out the door.
I pull up to Bryce's, gently knocking on the door.

"Hey, it's Emily! What can I do for you?" Bryce announces, scaring me slightly. Great, now all of Justin's friends know I'm here.

"I'm looking for my brother."

"He's in the backyard. Everything okay?" I nod and smile, attempting to hide all the madness going on in my mind. "Here, I'll show you where he is."

I follow Bryce to the pool house, finding Justin relaxing on the couch. Bryce clears his throat, getting Justin's attention.

"Oh, Emily, hey. You okay?" I shake my head no, tears gathering in my eyes.

"I'll leave you two alone. If you both need anything, let me know." We nod at Bryce's remark, the door closing behind him.

"Talk to me, you know I care more about your feelings than mine." He mumbled. I can't believe this is happening right now. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"Promise?" He smiles slightly at me, sticking out his pinky. A chuckle, sniffling a little. I sighed, trying ton convince myself to spit those words out. "I'm pregnant, Justin. And I'm absolutely terrified."

I'm immediately engulfed in a hug. "You'll be all right. What did Jeff say?"

"I haven't told him yet."

"Why not?"

"I only found out 20 minutes ago. Besides, he can come and go but family is forever. I needed to tell you before him."

"He better not come and go, he-,"

"Justin, it's okay. I should go, I have to get dinner for Jeff and I."

"Are you going to tell Hannah and the whole gang?" Crap, another thing I didn't think about.

"Not yet. I just need to finish high school, and find out what the hell I'm gonna do."

"Okay, text me if you need anything."

"I will, thank you, J."
today, 6:43 PM
{Jeff💙😍 & Em💙🤓}

Hey, sorry I took so long,
I'm on my way back now.

Okay sweet 🍱😍
What are you gonna get?

I still have the soup you sent
with Violet, I'm gonna have that 😍😍

Glad you're feeling better ☺️♥️

Me too.
I'll be home in 15.
I stopped at the drug store, attempting to find a nice or cute way to tell Jeff. I wasn't sure how he'd react, I was just hoping that maybe funny card wouldn't make it so awkward. I turned down the last aisle of cards, finally finding the best card I possibly could. The front said "What is a dad?" while the inside said "You. You is a dad."
Please don't freak, please don't freak.

I paid for the card and walked out, filling it out in the car. Eventually, I returned home to find Jeff asleep on the couch. I run my fingers through his hair, causing him to stir.
"Hey, the food is on the counter." A groan escapes his lips as he stretches his arms and legs, slowly standing up. "I have something for you." I mutter.

"Like a present?"

"Sure?" I hand him the card, picking away at my nail polish to avoid eye contact.
"Emily, you're pregnant?" I nod, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"I didn't think I was until Violet brought it up...I'm not going to force you to stay. If you wanna leave that's fine. I figured I'd tell you that I'm so terrified right now. But you needed to know as soon as I did."

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry. We'll be okay. Yeah, we both weren't expecting it, but we'll take it as it comes. I know it won't be easy, but we have my parents, and you have Justin and Scarlett. We're gonna be okay."

"You sure?"

"I'm as sure as I can be." His hand raises my shirt, resting on my stomach. "We're all going to be okay."

PERFECT » JEFF ATKINSWhere stories live. Discover now