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I sit in bed, staring at the tv that's hooked up on the wall. "How's my princess doing?" I hear Jeff ask as he kissed the top of my head, handing me the ice chips I requested 2 minutes earlier.

"Contractions suck." I said in all seriousness, grabbing his hand. I felt another contraction build, making me squeeze his hand hard. I heard him groan in pain before he replying to me.

"Okay, that's true, but just think about this: in a few hours or so, our little prince will be here." He thinks I didn't catch that last part. Ha.

"I don't wanna wait a few hours. And what makes you so sure it's a boy, Einstein?"

"Because I can feel it."

I laugh, releasing his hand from my death grip. "You can feel it?" He nods, a proud smile on his face. "Explain your theory to me, Atkins. I'm curious."

"The first time they kicked, it was strong. Definitely a football or soccer player you got in there."

A chuckle, breathing through a contraction. "I'm glad you're so sure. Can you hand me my phone? I need to text Justin and Scarlett and everyone else."

"Already done. They're both on their way as of 30 minutes ago."

"Jeff Atkins, what would I do without you?"

"You'd be so lost without me."

"Don't I know it. Help me up." A look of panic washes over Jeff's face.

"Why? Are you okay?"

I nod. "I wanna walk around, I figured it would help things move along." He grabs my hands, helping me get onto my feet. I paced back and forth, breathing through the contractions, stopping once I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, you're doing great, princess." Jeff tells me, kissing my cheek quickly before jogging over to the door. God, I'm so madly in love with this boy. I look over my shoulder to see Justin and Scarlett walk in, Mila and Jaxson not far behind.

"How are you doing?" Scarlett asks, her hands massaging my shoulders.

"Better now that you're massaging my shoulders. 9 centimeters."

"Emily, I brought my Barbies!!" Mila shouts, jumping up and down in place. I look down at her and smile.

"You wanna play?" She grins, nodding fast. "Come sit on the bed with me."

I sit back down on the bed, Mila across from me. "Are you sick?" She asks.

"Not quite..."

"Mila, come on princess, you can come back and play Barbies later. Emily is going to rest for a little while." She wraps her arms around me, giving me a Barbie to hold onto. The room empties out, leaving Jeff, Justin and I.

"How are you holding up? Do you need anything?" Justin asks, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.

"I'm good right now, but thanks J. It means a lot that you're here."

"Were you serious when you said you wanted me as the godfather?"

"Of course. Justin, without you, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. You've made my life better, I would never be able to deal with mom and Meth Seth on my own."

"Did you even tell her you're pregnant?"

"Nope. She wasn't a mother to us, she doesn't get to suddenly march back in now." I pull my hair back into a ponytail, sighing at the thought of my mother. She will never be able to make up for what she did. The next contraction that hit me was far more painful than the last. I grabbed Jeff's hand, squeezing it hard as I groaned in pain.

"Do you want me to get the nurse?" I hear Justin ask, anxiousness in his voice.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." Jeff huffed, his hand traveling up and down my back.

I lay back, taking a drink of water just as the nurse walks in.

"You ready to meet your baby?" She asks, which frankly, I think she already knows the answer.

"Yeah, it's about time." She smiles and sits down in front of me. I glance up at Jeff who is already looking down at me. "I love you."

He smiles, his hand running through my hair. "I love you, too."

"Good news! It's go time Mama. Time to meet your baby."

A/N: I didn't want to get
too graphic :/ I need help
deciding the name and what
the next chapter should be (real life or social media)

Comment A, B, or C for the name and then the format for the next chapter!! ♥️

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