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♥︎ jfoley, jessdavis, jeff

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♥︎ jfoley, jessdavis, jeff.atkins and 759 others

emfoley spot me on tv soon? maybe?

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violet_bower HOT BABE

itshannahbaker YES SLAY

jeff.atkins that's my girl 😉💗🔥

jfoley these look awesome, Em

zachdempz they look amazing!

gen.thomas both brother and boyfriend approve :) LOVE those photos!!

thomas both brother and boyfriend approve :) LOVE those photos!!

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♥︎ emfoley, itshannahbaker, itsryanbitch and 758 others

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♥︎ emfoley, itshannahbaker, itsryanbitch and 758 others

jeff.atkins waiting for the MLB draft like....

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emfoley we all know you got this!!

zachdempz seriously J, stop worrying about it. You got it in the bag!

jfoley when do you find out?

jeff.atkins some point this week. jfoley

jessdavis you're gonna kill it Jeff!!

violet_bower I saw a few of your games, you carried the team!!

itsryanbitch You're gonna make it! I feel it!

"So my agent took my headshots and is going to try to get me a role

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"So my agent took my headshots and is going to try to get me a role. Anything on the draft yet?" I asked Jeff, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"They announced that the first year draft is Friday. I'm nervous as hell." He muttered.

"Jeff, you're going to be fine. They are going to pick you, and you're going to do amazing things."

"It's scary. That's all."

I huffed, straddling his waist. Jeff's blue eyes meet my dark ones. "Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes, Jeffrey!" He sighs, closing his eyes. "Good, now travel ahead ten years...where do you see yourself?"

"I see myself playing baseball. Not sure what team, but you're there, and Sienna. You have on a jersey with my last name on it. We have a golden retriever, she's playing with Sienna. You and I are watching them from the patio. We're married, and you're pregnant. We're happy."

I smiled at the future he had all planned out. I would love to have that future with my best friend. "That sounds wonderful." I told him, giving him a quick kiss. "You just said yourself, it doesn't matter which team you play for. You're always gonna have us, Jay."


"I promise."


A U T H O R ' S N O T E
one. more. chapter.
i'm loving the comments you leave on these chapters!
what's gonna happen???

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