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♥︎ emfoley, itshannahbaker, jessdavis and 657 others

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♥︎ emfoley, itshannahbaker, jessdavis and 657 others

jeff.atkins first date night in ages 🤩❤️

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emfoley first night since Sienna omfg

emfoley that's so weird

jeff.atkins she's a good baby emfoley hopefully we can have more soon

emfoley date nights or babies?

jeff.atkins why not both? emfoley

atkins why not both? emfoley

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♥︎ jeff

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♥︎ jeff.atkins, itshannahbaker, jessdavis and 358 others

emfoley she's still so tiny ❤️

jeff.atkins she's so perfect

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