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today, 10:03 AM
{Jeff💙 & Em😍}

hey we have a visitor,
she brought flowers!
do you want me to send her up?

no it's fine, i'll come down.
who is it?

the cutest toddler on the planet
and my parents
and Scarlett

Jeff💙the cutest toddler on the planetand my parentsand Scarlett

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aw, she's adorable!

Sienna still sleeping?

she started to stir, so I picked her up.
I think she's starting to wake up.


♥︎ itshannahbaker, emfoley, jessdavis and 562 others

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♥︎ itshannahbaker, emfoley, jessdavis and 562 others

scarlett.williams they insisted on bringing you flowers 🌸🌼

👤emfoley, jeff.atkins

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After Scarlett and the family stopped by, I put Sienna down in her swing, while I decided to start to make dinner.

"Are you sure?" I hear Jeff ask. He's been on the phone for over half an hour. "Alright, bye."

He hangs up the phone and enters the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my waist, burying his head in my neck. "Everything okay?" I question, putting my hand on top of his.

He sighs, moving to my side. "They need me in New York. I leave tomorrow."

"Jeff, they can't be serious. I thought that they'd give you sometime to learn the ropes of fatherhood. Sienna isn't even a week old!" I yelled slightly, angry at his coach.

"I thought so, too. I tried telling them I need a little bit more time, but they can't let me."

I huff, looking up into his ocean blue eyes. "I hate that you're leaving. I really do. But you're going to be great, Sienna and I will be okay, and if I have any questions, I have a bunch of people I can ask. You've worked so hard to get this far, you're going to go to New York and work that butt off so you can get in the MLB. Okay?"

"Promise to send me pictures of her?"

"I would be a horrible mother if I didn't. I'm going to finish making dinner, you'll pack, and then we're going to spend the rest of the night together. I'll be sure to facetime you or call you everyday, text you throughout the day, and always say 'good morning' and 'good night' because I know you'll worry." I give him a quick kiss, taking his hands in mine. "We aren't going anywhere, except to drop you off and pick you up from the airport."

He smiled before walking over towards Sienna, her wide eyes looking at him as he came closer. "I'll be back next Saturday, so you better not do anything big yet. You gotta wait until I come back, okay?"

I grin, he hasn't left her side since we've been back home. Sienna Rae, you already have your dad wrapped around your finger. ❤️

PERFECT » JEFF ATKINSWhere stories live. Discover now