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You were abused

Still really, you had no other place to go.

Abused as a child by your unloving parents,abused as an adult by your probably murderous husband.

Life was fucking grand. You wanted a devoice,a better life. But what would you do with no home with a low paying job?

So,here you are,crying in your locked room,bloodied,bruised, beaten,as your husband, Stan (IDK JUST ROLL WITH IT SORRY STAN-) pounds on the door,screaming profanities and insults with his threats.

He knew threatening to kill you was useless, so he used a different threat.

He'd kill anyone he saw outside.

You sobbed in your room,shaking as you grabbed your packed bag and jumped out the first story window. You weren't running away forever,just some time for you both to calm as usual. You lived out in Manhattan Kansas, it was a chilly October afternoon as you head to the wooded area of your hometown. The town was small,admittedly, but it was nice for you to an extant.

You explored the woods,happy to see what you'd find today as all negative thoughts left your damaged mind. You happened across a clearing with a large pod in it,you ran up to the pod to investigate further.

The pod looked like a white sturdy jar,old and worn out. You use your surprising strength to open the pod and see a strange technological item,you pick it up. It had a strange shape and it was thin,glowing blue. There were strong foot falls and you held back a gasp as a large bot with red eyes enters the clearing.

The bot looked at the item in your hand and growled,rushing towards you. You squeak and drop it,and all you saw was white...


You groan slightly, your voice deeper and gruffer than normal. You raised a hand to your head only to feel it be clawed at the ends,you open your eyes.

"O-oh god..." You said,your voice was indeed different, not your own,you look around to see your body laying flat on the ground,groaning slightly. Your body sat up,rubbing at your head."What in the name of Cybertron-?Wait,whats wrong with my voice?"

"W-we s-switched bodies..." You said,sitting up and picking your body up in your clawed hands. "Switched bodies?! ...You... This is your doing,human! Give me my body back!" He/you demanded."I-I don't k-know how!"you stutter,"STOP STUTTERING USING MY BODY YOU DISGUSTING FLESHY!"He/you shout. Your (now) red robotic eyes water up and he(gonna stop with the he/you shit y'all know what the fuck I'm saying by now)froze.

"Stop. I said stop!"

You whimper,trying to hold back tears."I-I'm sorry...I ruined e-everything..."you mutter. He sighed,reluctantly patting your face. You calmed down and realised....

Your husband is gonna kill you or someone if you don't get home,but if this robotic being goes home in your body he may kill Stan.

Do you really care though?

You snapped out of your thoughts when you realised the bot in your body was ranting.

"-What am I going to do?! How can I rule the Decepticons in this weak body!?...YOU!" He shouts,you jump and look at him,"You must act in my place as my scientists find a way to fix this! "He shouts. You tilt your head," W-what is it y-you do exactly? "

"I am the leader of the mighty Decepticons! A ruthless leader who doesn't stutter." You nod at this explanation. "So...y-your evil?" You asked,he crossed his(your...?)arms and nods. " I can take my anger out on others if they fail me?" You asked.

Wow is this what its like being a husband?! Better than being beaten but I can't ruin this bots reputation!

He nods."Now comm to Soundwave so we can leave this rock"

It was difficult, learning everything you had to to be this robot,Megatron. How to transform,comm,fire the large cannon,and have a commanding tone. You commed the bot called Soundwave, requesting a ground bridge. A green portal appeared and you picked Megatron up,walking through to the other side into a dark,dim war ship. There stood two bots,one's face covered in a visor and wings acted as arms,the other had his wings on his back and a red spike on his helm,a snarky sharply framed face in place. Soundwave and Starscream as Megatron had explained.

The snarky slim built bot gasped at the "human" in your large servo. You raised an optic ridge. "What is it,Starscream?" You growled,he points to Megatron and you glanced at the bot in your small body standing tall with a angry face.

"Have a problem with my choices,Starscream?" You take a step towards the bot who began to shake,"N-no,my lord! B-but...why bring a human,is it one of the Autobot pets?"

"No. I wanted my own pet,it seems to have had an advantage to the Autobots to have humans on their side,why not have our own weak fleshy?"you poked Megatron in the side and he yelps.

Strange calling a female who identifies as female male

Then again its stranger a alien robot's mind is in the body.

This is gonna be fun...

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now