His and his alone

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(WARNING: This part contains sex ,so read at your own risk,I'm totally winging this,this is gonna be horrible-

Megatron's holoform kissed you deeply, pressing you closer to your bed until he pinned you down on the mattress. You moaned softly as he kissed down your jaw to your neck,removing your uniform with care.

Soon you were left in your undergarments, blushing deeply as he stares at your body. His hands roam and squeeze in places he's never touched before as he kisses you with care and passion and trailing down to your chest,he undid your bra and threw it to the side, kissing your left breast up to the nipple where he nipped and sucked on it,playing with your right breast in his soft hand

You let out a soft moan as he kisses down your side and to your hip,he looks up at you for permission and you nod. He removed your panties,kissing your inner thighs all the way to your clit,he licks it,causing you to gasp and moan. He smirked and let his tongue slide into you,tasting every inch as you moaned louder.

He started to basically tongue fuck you until you came,panting as he pulled away.

"Aw,and I haven't even had my fun yet~" he purred,removing his clothing and crawling on top of you,pinning you to the bed. You felt something poke at your entrance and he hesitates, looking at your face,"A-are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt yo-" you kissed him deeply,wrapping your legs around his hips and pulling away,"Shut up and do me."you panted out. He smiled softly and pulled you close to his bare body,slowly entering you.

You whimper in pain and pleasure and he stopped, pulling away from your body,"S-should I stop-"

"If you fucking stop,I will rip your dick off and shove it up your ass in both forms,you understand?" You hiss,he nods and goes in all the way, stopping to let you adjust as he whispers praises to you, nipping and sucking on your neck.

You nodded after a moment and he started to move,groaning slightly as you pant. He started going faster and harder,whispering things to you you only caught bits of.

"Primus,I love you...."

"You're so beautiful..."

"You're mine."

You moaned when he found your G-spot,he started hitting it repeatedly until you came,causing him to as well. He didn't stop,however,he kept thrusting into you,harder and faster,both of you moaning and groaning deeply. After you both came a third time,he pulled out and flipped you over,pinning your head down on the pillows as he enters your ass this time. You hiss in pain and he pets your face gently,shushing you and letting you adjust to the new feeling before moving once more.

He rammed into your ass over and over,getting deeper until his member was fully in,he gripped onto your hips tightly as he went harder and faster,you screamed out in pleasure, calling his name out only made him want you more as he came inside you,but he didn't stop still.


His goal was to frag you until you couldn't walk straight.

A goal he probably already accomplished but he couldn't get enough of your moans,of your soft skin against him,of your walls tightening around him as he made you cum over and over. He was glad the room was soundproofed,even the door had that setting which he turned on the moment you came in.

He planed this.

Well...maybe not to this extent,but...fuck he couldn't stop. Not that he wanted to,not that you wanted him to.

But eventually, you both had to stop.

-_-_-_SMUT OVER_-_-_-_-

He collapsed beside you,pulling your body close to his and kissing the top of your head. "I love you...don't you ever think otherwise." He growled the last part,then smiled when you giggled."I love you too,you big doof."

He felt his spark swell,he almost forgot he was in holoform, but he didn't want to let go. Not yet.

Sadly you sat up and started getting dressed,"Well,as much fun as that was,we really got to get back to work."you stand up to find your legs woobily,you almost fell when Megatron caught you in his bipedal form, smiling softly and setting you on his shoulder.

He made his way to the bridge where Knockout was glaring at Silas. Megatron didn't seem upset anymore of the human presence. He was much to happy with you to give a damn what your past relationship with this befoon was. But he did however notice Silas staring at you as you stood,using Megatron's helm as support discretely. Silas' gaze however was fixed upon your hindquarters,and Megatron wouldn't lie,it was a fantastic ass,and it fit so well in her skin tight uniform. But he couldn't have Silas staring like that upon something that was his.

He cleared his throat wire,catching Silas' attention as he glared at the human in Breakdown's body. "Silas,is something wrong?"Megatron asked with a growl. "N-no,Megatron!" Silas laughed nervously, you and Megatron glared at him."L-Lord,Megatron..."Bishop corrected.

"Only I call him by his name." You huffed. Megatron looked away from everyone, holding back a laugh,you smack his helm. He hissed in pain, "Ow! What the hell,Y/n?!" He whisper shouts. You giggle. He half glared at you then sighed.

The next few hours were boring,Megatron got pissed at Silas for being a snarky bitch every five seconds (no wonder you left his ass)

And after the failed mission,you knew what was going to happen.

"Congratulations, Silas. You have earned a place at the table." Megatron said."Thank you,lord Megatron, I am honored."

"Wait for it..."

"Knockout's dissection table!" Megatron growled. "Not so honored now,are ya?" You smirked."...No not really."

"Good. Ass."

Silas' optic widens as eradicons gripped onto his arms,pulling him away,"N-no! Y/n,help! Please don't let them do this,Y/N! HELP ME!"he shouts in fear.

Megatron looked at you as you laughed darkly,"Ah,he should be glad its not my dissection table."you smirked.

"Wait,you have a dissection table?" He questions.


"You don't?"

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now