Bra troubles and Fighting

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You sit up from your bed on Megatron's end table,groaning slightly. You turn over to see Megatron in recharge on his berth. You sighed and went to your drawer, grabbing a bra,underware, and your newly cleaned uniform. You grabbed the hem of your shirt and froze,looking back over to the sleeping Megatron."Okay,if your a-awake,I'm gonna say t-this once. K-keep your damn o-optics shut."you state,turning back and beginning to remove your shirt once more.

You slipped the straps of your bra on and reach behind you to hook it.

"Nyeh,ehh...Son of a bitch..." You mutter,fumbling with the hooks."Why am I a fucking woman..."you wine.

"Why do you wear that?"

You froze once again,then snap your head back to Megatron,he stares at your hands as they were frozen from their task,"I don't know,why do you ware chest armor? The answer is,shut up. Now close your optics."you huffed,continuing your attempts when he grumbled and turned away.

"YES! OH DEAR FUCKING GOD YES!" You jump with joy when it was finally fastened. He looked over and froze,his eyes fixated on your chest as your breasts bounce slightly. "M-Megatron,eyes are u-up here..." You mutter,putting your uniform on.

You looked and notice he wasn't waring his armor to bed this time. He normally wares it all the time as he says its a way to keep is guard up. "Lord Megatron?" You ask,he hums,looking at you as he got his armor off a cleaning rack. He wasn't naked,he had the cloth part of his armor on for the bottom. His chest was bare however,the body built up of wires and cables."You...didn't ware your armor to sleep this time."you noted,he looked down at his body and shrugged.

"I guess I can trust in you to be a guard when mine is down." He smiled slightly but it was gone as quick as it came.  He slipped his armor on,his chest plate slid over the cloth and wires and rested firmly on his body.

You smiled and grabbed a small device off your dresser and push the button,it turned into your disk and you lay it on the ground,grabbing your plasma pistols and setting them in their holders ozn each of your legs. You step up on your disk and it starts to float up to eye level of most of the Decepticons

You made your way to the deck for battle training and getting your new armor. Megatron was closer to you than usual, you noticed,as you spoke about your ideas for battle formation. He stares at you as you speak,nodding here and there.

You arrived on the deck and see Knockout with some Eradicons,one of the drones held a large clear tube with your armor in it,you gasp lightly.

The armor resembled Megatron's,it was gray with hints of purple,a cannon on the model hand. The drones helped you put the armor on,Megatron cleared his throat wires and turned away when you began to remove your current uniform. Knockout smirked when you blushed as you noticed he was starring the whole time. You huff and put shoulder armor on after the chest armor was on. You put the cannon on your left arm and smiled."This is wonderful work."you stated,Knockout smiled,"Thank you,fleshy."

You rolled your eyes and clear your throat,telling the bots to get in their designated positions.

The line up was plain and simple and you huffed."No,no,no...this won't do..."you mutter,Megatron stood nearby. "Alright,have you all looked through the files I gave you?" You ask,they all nod and shout,"Yes ma'am!"

You smiled,"Yes,file three shall do nicely."You state,your voice was made louder from the voice changer on your armor. They all line up in staggered rows so no place was left open. You clap,"Great job!"you smiled widely. You started to order them to fly when you were cut off by an explosion in the lower decks. "What the...?" You mutter,your voice modifier no longer made it loud.

You looked at Megatron who looked started and overall worried about what would happen next. You step on your disk and it clasped your feet firmly on it as it went full speed down the halls of the war ship.

The Autobot known as Bulkhead was there ,you both froze and stare at one another, "Megatron...?" He questions.

You narrowed your eyes at him,"No...that was sorted out about...I dunno...last week maybe?"you shrug. He transformed a servo into a wrecking ball,"I don't by it,Megatron,you wouldn't keep a human around if it didn't benefit you."he growled.

You stare up in shock at him,"A-are we talking about the same bot?"you raised a brow. "Then he's been super fucking weird around me. 'Oh,I can't do that because I'm a gentlebot~! You shouldn't do that its not femmelike~!" You say in a sing song voice."For fucks sake I'm thankful he kept me but for once I'd love it if he'd shut his trap about being a gentleman, WHEN HE'S A DAMN GLADIATOR! "You spout out in pent up anger.

" That doesn't sound at all like Megatron."Bulkhead stated,"No shit,wrecker."you huffed. Footsteps approach rapidly, "Go!" You whisper shout,firing your cannon next to him to make things sound real. He transformed and drove off as you fire next to his alt form.


You turn in shock when Megatron called your name out in worry. He stumbled into the hall,tripping and falling. He groaned as he tried to get up quickly. "L-lord Megatron!" You rushed to him,he gasped,"Are you alright?! Are you harmed!? Soundwave spotted a Autobot coming down here and he took the camera out and- dear Primus,Y/n your wounds!"he stared at your exposed skin in shock,the gashes reopened (you ran into a wall on the way,so charming I know)/and the bruises dark as ever.

His optics zero in on the one on your neck in the shape of a hand. His vents hitch and he reached a claw out,gently touching the marks as his optics narrow in worry. "My l-lord,why are you t-touching me? Y-you dislike touching me." You stated,his optics widen and he pulled away,clearing his throat wires

"That doesn't matter. Did the human Husband do this...?" He asked,you nodded. "Not the time,my lord,the auto bot is still on bord and there may be more." You stated.

He shakes his helm,"No,Soundwave tricked them into a ground bridge."he said."Again?"you smirked.


Over the next few days Megatron acted strangely.

Stranger really...

He was disregarding stealth in missions and was extraordinarily pissed when the mission was done without enough haste. And he'd space out a lot,his optics would change to purple sometimes.

It had something to do with Dark Energon.

You knew it.

But you didn't know the full gravity of the situation...

Until it was much to late....

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