Los Angeles

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Its been about two weeks,you found a good place to stay,Optimus actually stayed with you(in something called a holoform,still fucking tall as shit-) whilst his alt mode stayed in the apartment parking lot.

"I still don't get why you have to be in your holoform." You stated,cooking breakfast. "One,for your safety,and two,your cooking is wonderful." He smiled.

You giggled,blushing slightly. "Jeeze,Optimus,I don't think it's that good."

"Do we sill have what you made last night?" He asked."No. You fucking ate it all."you said,"Oh...Scrap."he looked down sadly. "Oh! Have you gone to the human parties you spoke of?" He asked,"Not yet,Alex invited me to one tonight. "You stated,flipping the pancake over." Isn't Alex-"

"The one who made that ice cream cake you devoured in fucking one sitting? My mage friend?"


"Yeah,that's her. Thank god she made two."

Optimus smiled sheepishly,chuckling, "Sorry about that."

"Look,I gotta get ready,if your coming ya know the drill,no metal attachments,it ain't a costume club." You said,handing him a plate with 10 pancakes,he smiled and nods,his metal add-ons vanished and he started eating.

"Disgusting Prime-"

For fucks sake shut. Up. He just likes human foods,I do too,and I don't even need it.

You went to your room and got dressed in the dress a different coworker,Jenifer, gave you. Alex had asked you to go as Jenifer would take no for an answer for her going,and she wanted you to go as she trusts you more.

It was a deep red,short dress,it made you slightly uncomfortable but you knew Alex would feel worse in a club dress. You heard a knock on the front door and leave your room,Optimus sitting at the table still as you opened the door. There stood a tall girl with blonde,long curly hair,Jenifer, and a shorter girl with short red hair,Alex. Alex wore a black dress without shoulders,it was short. She was flushed red as she fidgets around.

Jenifer wore a tight black,long dress without shoulders and had a neck collar that attached to the rest of the dress. Jenifer squeals and hugs you,your face pressed against her large breasts."Y/n! I am so glad you agreed to come!"she squealed,pulling away and rubbing her face against yours. Optimus walked up behind you,placing a hand on your shoulder and waving to the human females.

"Hello." He said,Jenifer pulled away,and smirked at you after looking Optimus up and down."Oh~! You got yourself a boyfriend! "She giggled at your flushed face," I assure you,me and Y/n are merely friends."he smiled. "Well then,Y/n,who is this handsome friend of yours?" Jenifer said slyly. "This is Optimus. Optimus, this is Jenifer, and you already know Alex." You smiled,Alex waved shyly and Optimus waved back.

"A-are you c-coming with us...?" Alex asked quietly. Optimus nods."Oh...o-okay..."she fidgets with her hands. You all made your way to Jennifer's car,ready to head to the party.


You stood in the line for a while,but when you got in the club,you were surprised.

It was loud,you could fucking feel the music. Alex whimpers slightly and clings onto you as the place was packed,she'd do everything she could to make sure no one touched her.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now