Bathing and Fighting

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You sighed as the door to Megatron's room shut,the bot looked up at you in your body.

"Tired already?" He smirked,"N-no...just...confused by all this..."you trailed off and looked down at Megatron's form to see it filthy. "Megatron,when was the last time you cleaned yourself?" You asked,"Well...about a human year,wh-"

"A year!? Megatron,that's disgusting! You have to bath yourself at least twice a week if not once a day!" You exclaimed."No,no no,you are not fucking doing that with my body."you growled.

"Fine,we shall bath today. But I must admit human male bodies are strangely built..." He said,looking at your body he was currently in(phrasing-)

"Megatron,I'm female." You state,starting to remove the chest armor after you had already removed the armor on his arms and shoulders. "Female...? WAIT!" He shouts as you were halfway through taking the chest armor off,you looked at your body to see him flustered. "Yes?"

"It is unfemmelike to see a bot nude!" He states. "Megatron,one,not a femme,I'm a human. Two,what could be so bad about seeing something down there? I mean,if its anything like human parts,trust me,I got a husband, I know. Its not all that bad anyway,and I am not letting you walk around this ship all filthy." You huffed,removing the armor.

You looked over to see Megatron nervous, "Well,I am a gentlebot and I refuse to see your body without it's armor." He said. "I wouldn't want you to see it either but you are not going to be in my body and not clean it." You removed the pede armor and Megatron sighs,defeated. He removed your clothing awkwardly,more awkward than you,and you get awkward talking to your husband. Then again,he beats you.

Way to lighten the mood,me.

You finally removed all the armor and picked up the Decepticon leader in your body and head to the rack room,as he called it. The water was warm and you set Megatron down were you wouldn't step on your own damn body but it gets clean. Megatron was more uncomfortable than before,his/your face red as a cherry. "Stob being awkward, you have been in several fights and this is what is bringing you down? Nudity? I mean,c'mon." You chuckle lightly.

"Yes this is bringing be down, I am in the body of a human femme,and I am nude in front of that femme who is in my naked body!" He exclaimed. "How are you not effected? Bots get uncomfortable being nude in front of other bots!" He added.

"Megatron,if I was in my body I'd be nervous as my body is fucking disgusting. Yours however is quite pleasing to the eye,it is in shape and the build,although not possible for humans,is admittedly nice and even intimating. And if you haven't noticed,no resent damage is on this body." You state as he winced when water hit several wounds,"I was wondering what that pain was..."

"And you didn't think to look?"

"No because I didn't want to be a perv as you humans put it." He crossed his/your arms and huffed. "Megatron,just look." You state,cleaning the body you now inhabit. He takes a deep breath and looks down,"OH PRIMUS!" He yelps,looking to the wall,"What happened? "He finally asked," You were a gladiator, yes?"You said,he nods."Then it was pit fights."

"...But were is the damage to your servos?" He asked,loomed at your hands."I never got a hit in."you shrug."Than why continue if you fail?"he questions once again."I don't have a choice."

It was silent say for the running water beating against your bulky frame. You noticed that Megatron hadn't even started to clean your body and huffed,taking a wash cloth and doing it yourself,he yelped slightly."Honestly, Megatron,I ask you to do one thing and you are to worried about being a gentleman. It's silly."

"The lord of Decepticons is not silly! I may be evil but I respect a obedient femme." He huffed,you chuckled,poking the side of your body he now occupied. "Silly."


The day was confusing to say the least,having Megatron make sure you didn't fuck up and then being called by the warlord's name by other bots.

"Lord Megatron!" You looked down from the platform to see an Eradicon. "It's-!" He shouts but you held up a hand,"No need to shout,get up here."you motion the bot up and he nervously walks up the steps and stops away from you.

"Its the Autobots sir,Optimus Prime is killing off our troops yelling for you." The bot explained. "What?" Your optics widen,the real Megatron looked up at you,"You can't-"he starts,you looked down at him."Yes I can."you said,dismissing the bot and telling Soundwave to open a ground bridge.


"Trust me." You said,walking through the portal.


You looked to your side to see a large blue and red bot charging towards you."Oh shi-"you held Megatron close to you to protect him from as much pain as you could as the bot tackled you to the ground,you gasp as a rock jabbed into an exposed part on your back the armor didn't cover,your servo loosened and your body flew out,Megatron gripped onto the chest plate you wore,glaring up at the Prime.

Optimus froze,then growled. "You took a human hostage?"

"N-not exactly... M-may you g-get off of m-me..? T-this is a-awkward..." You state,Megatron snapped his gaze over to you."You plan to tell him!?"he shouts."WELL WHAT THE HELL ELSE ARE WE GONNA DO,HOPE KNOCKOUT HAS THE SMARTS TO REVERSE THIS!?"You shout, Prime's grip loosened for a moment but tightened and you grunt,"Ah,fuck! OPTIMUS FOR GOD'S GET OFF OF ME!"You shout,Megatron growled up at Prime,"Let her go!"

"Stay out of this human!" Optimus growled,"Can't exactly-YOUR ON TOP OF ME! URG FUCK!"You wince when his grip got harder. "What are you talking about Megatron!?"


"What do you mean?" Optimus loosened his grip."You honestly think Megatron would keep a damn human near him without a reason?! We switched bodies!"You shout,he got up,still sitting on you however. Fans kicked on to you cool you off as it was quite embarrassing. Megatron huffed and crossed his arms.

"What I mean,Optimus,is that my human female mind is in the body yOU ARE CURRENTLY HAVING IN AN UNCOMFORTABLE POSITION!" You shout,he jumped off,helping you up."So you are this human and this human is...Megatron?"he asked. You nod,"In a way,yes,we happened across a Cybertronian artifact, he frightened me and I dropped it,causing this mess."you said.

"This is a problem..." Optimus said,"No shit,Prime,when finally I get home my husband will kill me! "You yell

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now