Welcome home,fleshy

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You didn't want to admit it, but you were doing a good job around the ship. You'd relay messages from Megatron and got a kick ass floating thing that looked like a disk or some shit that went fast but kept you on it,you were practically and expert on detecting hidden emotions (you have no fucking clue why but its helpful),and you even helped the warlord with battle plans,using your own data pad to write down notes and visual plans for presentation.

You did this in the span of five days.




Megatron gave you a uniform too,and it was awesome. It was beautiful and it had cooling fans,it also had a small powerful plasma blaster for,as Megatron put it,"Putting underlings in their place."

As in kill any disrespecting bots. But you never did. Nor did you threaten them. You merely spoke with them and sorted the problem out without violence like you always wanted/tried with Stan.

Starscream was a more difficult case.

One you were currently dealing with whilst in tears.

"I don't care if it wasn't what you meant to do,fleshy! You watch where you are going!" He sneered,you sniffle softly,wiping at your e/c eyes as your long h/c hair fell in your face slightly(You never had the chance to cut your hair so it was extraordinarily long). "I-I'm sorry,Commander S-Starscream!" You sobbed,"I don't care if you are Megatron's pet,you will not disrespect me!"he snarled."What in the frag is all this noise about!?"Megatron enters the hall and spots you standing on your disk at eye level of Starscream,sobbing silently now and an angry seeker.

"Starscream, disrespect my assistant once more and I will grind your damn wings into powder!" He snarls,Starscream jumped and nods,quickly leaving. Megatron gave an exhausted sigh and walks over to you. "Why do you insist on crying,fleshy?" He asks."I-I'm sorry m-my lord...I-I don't mean t-to..."you sniff,wiping your eyes.

He huffed and pats your head with a claw,"Stop crying over some simple lies of the seeker. You have done an extraordinary job of being my assistant. A better job than Starscream has ever done and you've only been here for five human days. "He said, you smiled up at him," R-really?"

"Yes,really. Now quit your sobbing." Megatron motions for you to follow as he headed for the bridge, your hover disk follows close behind, but left some distance as per your command so Megatron wouldn't be uncomfortable. The bridge was full of eradicons (a-and Soundwave. Yeah he's always...there...he a creepy motherfucker.).

Megatron sat in his throne and a screen appeared in front of him and one for you as well,more suited for your size.  On your screen was English text,and his Cybertronian,a model for armor appeared as a Eradicon explained what it was.

"-this armor could be useful for your assistant, my lord!" He shouts from the bottom of the steps. "I q-quite like t-the design! I-it resembles your armor i-in a way,m-my lord." You looked up at Megatron,his optics fixated on the screen.

"Yes,good work. You are dismissed." He waved a servo to the Eradicon in a dismissing manner,the bot bowed and left as the screen vanished."Might I ask something, my lord...?"you question, he looks down to you and hums."Why is my current outfit so...form fitting? "You gesture to the outfit and he looked you up and down." I don't know."he shrugged.

"By the way,how are you wounds?" He asked. "O-oh! They are f-fine,my lord,thank you." You smiled up at him. He grunted slightly and turned away.

The next few hours were boring,writing up battle plans and having to explain human traditions to Eradicons and Vehicons.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now