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"You don't know why he kept you around?" Raf said,you nod."He must want something from me. "

"Maybe..." Raf trailed off,he got off the table and hugged you,"But I think he just wants love."he mutters,you blushed lightly and sighed,hugging him back,"Unlikely. But if that is what you think,I will not tell you otherwise. "

"Y/n,are you ready to go?" Fowler asked,you pulled away from the hug and kissed the top of Raf's head."Yep."you stood up and ran down to the groundbridge. Jack was there,dressed in the NASA space suit. You nod to him and he smiles,giving you a thumbs up.

You walked through with Jack and you arrived on a small platform,Ratchet was at a large control panel. "Ready Jack?" Arcee asked,he nods.

The two walked through after Ratchet set the coordinates.

It was kinda boring after that. Ratchet talked over the comm a bit.

You sat there on your disk,tapping your knees."...This is boring as fuc-"

A groundbridge opened and Megatron came through.

You squeak and hide behind Ratchet. "You Autobots have gone to impressive lengths to bring back your leader. I will not underestimate you again." He said darkly,you kept your breathing silent,no mater how fast it got,as your wrist throbbed in pain.

"I assume the one called Arcee will come through that portal with a reloaded Matrix of Leadership in hand."

Ratchet ran in front of the path to the Spacebridge, "We hold the Spacebridge at all costs!"

Son of a bitch left me in the open-

You gulped but got in fighting position,the bots started firing and you stood where Ratchet was before he charged at Megatron,who charged back,throwing Bulkhead up in the air and towards you,you caught him and set him down gently."That's some strength you got."he smiled. Ratchet was thrown aside and Bee to the ground. You covered your mouth in shock and horror as he pulled his blade out,Ratchet jumped on him and Megatron grunted,throwing the medic to a pillar.

Bulkhead charged at him,taking the warlord to the ground,"You're goin' down,bucket head!"

Megatron eventually threw Bulkhead down with his fallen comrades and you held back tears of anger. Megatron looked up,his optics remained souly on the Spacebridge. He jumped up and stared into it,smirking as his blade came out.

"You are to afraid to fight. Cute."

"Come,Arcee,so that I might end the lineage of the Primes,for all time." Megatron smirks darkly,sending shivers down your spine.

"I cannot allow that to happen,Megatron."

You turned from your small area on the sidelines to see Orion walk through a groundbridge. "And why should you care,Orion Pax! You are no Prime!"Megatron snarled.

" That maybe true-or yet another deception. But this much I do know. My sympathies lie with the Autobots. And you are not one of us."Orion unleashed the blade in his arm,the other servo being a cannon. He charged at Megatron,who punched him in the gut.

"Your spark may be in the right place,Orion." He hit Orion on the helm,causing the bot to crumple to the ground."But you have much to learn before you can hope to ever again stand your ground against me. A moment, sadly,which shall never come."he smirked.

"You're slipping."

You tackled Megatron to the ground,groaning when you slipped off of him and hit the wall,falling to the ground.

You look up and see Arcee attacking Megatron while Jack give Orion the Matrix of Leadership. Megatron grabbed Arcee by the waist with one large servo and pinned her to the wall. "Arcee,how nice of you to join us. Now,the Matrix,if you will." He smirked,then looked back to see Jack,his optics widen.

He dropped Arcee and raced towards them. You gasp and get up,running after him. Ratchet jumped at him again, only to be knocked aside. Megatron jumped up,attacking.

Optimus grabbed the blade,"Megatron."he growled,his mouth guard slipped on,Megatron looked frightened. "Begone!" He punched the gray bot in the face,over and over until he was on the ground. You flew over to the bots and smiled up at them,"Ratchet, how did we get here?"Optimus asked.

"Long story old friend!" Ratchet smiled.

The Autobot Groundbridge opened,"Its ours!"Arcee yells,"Autobots,fall back!"Optimus order. Arcee jumped through,the others,except for Prime,followed. Optimus looked at you and you held up a hand. He nods,aiming at the warlord who was on the ground. Megatron looked at you as you flew over,"Y/n-"

"You disgust me,Megatron. I thought...I thought you were better than're just as bad as my husband, only thing is,I actually cared about you." You glared down at him,"Obviously I was wrong to do something so stupid."


"Dang,Y/n,you are a savage!"

Miko punched your shoulder as you sat on the chair you were on beforehand, your hands cleaned of dirt and only slightly stained from the Dark Energon. "Are you okay...?" Raf asked,you nod,"Yes,small one,I am fine. Just...exhausted."you smiled softly at the smart thirteen year old."You think I was to harsh...?"You asked,Jack put a hand on your shoulder. "He's the lord of Decepticons. I'm sure he's fine."


Megatron was sitting on his berth,looking sadly at your empty bed as tears spiked his optics."What the hell is life..."he mutters,rubbing at his face plates in exhaustion.

"You disgust me."

"Only thing is,I actually cared about you."

"I actually cared about you."

Your harsh words felt like you crushed his spark under your foot. He didn't understand why one humans words impacted him so badly. Hurt him so badly.


What was it?

But I already know,don't I...?


"You really think he's okay...?" You asked the teen. "Why do you even care though?" He asked. You leaned back in your chair,sighing,"Who the fuck knows anymore..."

Raf hugged you gently,the two teens joined in and you huffed,hugging them back. Optimus came over,"Human Y/n. May I speak with you? "

"Yeah, go. OH MY GOD LET ME GO!"

They finally let go,laughing as you stepped up on Optimus' open servo. He walked over down the hall for more privacy, then looked at you,"You were quite...harsh towards Megatron. What made you mad at him?"he asked gently.

"You don't remember,huh? Well,he used you when you were...well I don't want to say you were a different person,but you get what I mean." You shrugged."Are the children correct with their teasing? Are you and Megatron sparkmates? "He asked with caution." No. He can never love anything but power and himself."


"You wish to be his sparkmate, or used to,didn't you?" He said,you sighed,leaning against his thumb,"Maybe for a minute there,he really had me goin' with all his dorky stuff,being a gentleman, being...nice..."you trailed off,looking down.

"I believe something Megatron sees in you brings out the old him. The 'dorky' him. Something about you is special in a different way to him." He smiled at your surprised face.

"Doubtful, my new friend."

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now