Ready to leave

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"You are certain of this choice?" Optimus asked,you nodded."Yeah,LA isn't all that bad,I need some time to figure myself out,ya know? But if ya guys ever need an extra hand,or servo,I'm just a groundbridge away."you smirk slightly. Optimus gave you a small(albeit forced) smile."You have my thanks,Y/n,for helping us. I am forever in your debt."he bowed.

"Eh,debt is a load of scrap,Optimus. Plus,even I don't live forever." You added with a wink,he gave a real smile at that.

You and Optimus had spoke one on one a lot,like right now as you speak to him about your choice to move to LA and find an old friend. He knew of your race,of their extended life span and magical abilities. He was interested to say the least."Maybe you can stay just a while longer?"he asked hopefully.

"You are really dyin' for that mage knowledge,aren't ya?" You smirked,he nodded after a moment and your smirk softened to a gentle smile."Alright,maybe a bit longer."you said. "Thank you,Y/n."

"Yeah yeah,jeeze Prime,ya really got me with those puppy dog optics." You giggled,he rolled his blue optics yet smiled. You and Optimus walked out of the library they had made in one of the rooms and went down the hall in comfortable silence. Miko and Raf were up on the loft,most likely got back from school. Miko looked over when she heard the footfalls of the Prime, then spotted you with him yet again.

You walked up the stairs and Raf hugged you and unpacked his laptop. Miko hugged you and pulled away,her hands on your shoulders, "You must reeealy like the leader type." She winked,you tilt your head at first but then realize what she is getting at."No,Miko,I do not like the leader type. Optimus is simply more private about what he'd like to learn,and I am privet about what I know."

"Bow chica bow wow!" She giggled,twirling in a circle. You sighed and shake your head."What is with you and thinking I have a thing for giant robots."you huffed,crossing your arms.

"What is upsetting you,dear Y/n?"Optimus asked,walking over. " Dear~!"Miko poked your side and you huffed."Miko is making claims that we are in a relationship.

"I see. Well human Miko,put your mind at ease, Y/n is not my sparkmate." Optimus said softly. "Yet." Miko wiggled her brows and you glared at her.

"Humans,so disgusting."

Thats a child, asswipe,shut yo face.

"Never." You stated,poking her side and she squeaked."Never? Harsh."Miko giggled. You sighed and looked over to Optimus, who looked deep in thought."Are you saying that because your human and he isn't, or because you have no interest? "Miko asked," All of the above."

"Oh,hey! Can we dye a bit of your hair blue?" The teen asked,you sighed,"Fine."


"I still don't get why you wanted purple too." Miko said as she styled your hair. You and Miko were at her host parents home,up in her room while Bulkhead sat outside in his alt mode.

"As I stated before,it's a representation of my past leader,and present ally."you said. She awed a bit,brushing your ponytail. "Hmm,well I have a blue and purple short dress,ya want it? It could fit you!" She said,you nodded,simply wanting to please the girl.

She rushed to her closet and pulled out a blue dress with faded purple at the end of the sleeve and dress. You sighed and entered her bathroom connected to her room,undressing carefully and removing your bandages, replacing them after you were dressed,the sleeve hid the bandaging.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now